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发布日期:2019-06-26 09:33:19编辑:音乐人



音乐之声,记得第一次看还是七八岁的时候,学校礼堂演电影,还请了位英语系教授现场翻译。后来初中时老师又给我们放过,有的同学看到他们亲吻还偷笑。。。大学时口语老师给我们每人录一盘歌曲磁带回宿舍听,不过是broadway musical的,我更喜欢电影版本,唱得更活泼。 



The sound of music is my all time favorite movie. Over the years, I've gathered many fond memories of it. The first time I watched the sound of music, I was 8 years old. It was shown at the movie theater of the university we lived in. It was in English. An English professor did simultaneous interpreting, but he did not interpret any of the songs. 

The second time I watched the movie, my middle school English teacher brought it to us. Some of the girls giggled when the captain kissed Maria.

When I was in college, our English professor gave us copies of the songs from the sound of music broadway show. We would listen to them again and again at night.

When I came to the U.S., I heard an interesting story that my mother-in-law was schoolmates with the actor who played the oldest daughter's boyfriend. Unfortunately, he became a traitor at the end of the movie. 

Going to Austria and seeing the scenery from the movie was a dream come true. Hope you get to enjoy it in person one day^_^ 




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