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发布日期:2019-06-23 19:54:02编辑:音乐人

[专辑名称]:The Journey So Far - The Best of Loreena McKennitt
[专辑艺人]:Loreena McKennitt 
[音乐风格]:Vocal, New Age, Folk, World, Celtic


罗琳娜·麦肯尼特(Loreena Isabel Irene McKennitt,1957年2月17日-),加拿大歌手、作曲家、竖琴手、钢琴手。她创作、表演凯尔特和中东风格的世界音乐,并以其优美、纯净的女高音演唱而闻名。全球唱片销量超过1400万。这专辑记录了她30多年来至今为止的职业生涯,8张录音室专辑,2次格莱美提名,多次白金唱片销售以及领略到凯尔特人一生中的旅程踪跡。

Once heard, never forgotten! Loreena McKennitt’s music offers a cultural richness rarely heard in contemporary popular music featuring a rare range of instruments and textures that speak to the musical traditions of five continents. THE JOURNEY SO FAR – THE BEST OF LOREENA MCKENNITT traces the highlights of her career spanning 30 years to-date, 8 studio albums, 2 Grammy nominations, multi-platinum record sales and a once in a lifetime journey in the footsteps of the Celts.

This features 12 of McKennitt’s most treasured songs — among others, the top ten single ‘The Mummers’ Dance’ (from THE BOOK OF SECRETS), ‘Lady of Shalott’ (from THE VISIT), ‘Bonny Portmore’ (From THE VISIT and heard in the movie HIGHLANDER) and ‘The Mystic’s Dream’ (from THE MASK AND MIRROR and as heard in the mini-series THE MISTS OF AVALON).


01. The Mystic's Dream 
02. Bonny Portmore 
03. The Bonny Swans 
04. The Mummers' Dance 
05. Down by the Sally Gardens 
06. Stolen Child 
07. The Lady of Shalott 
08. Marco Polo 
09. Penelope's Song 
10. Huron 'Beltane' Fire Dance 
11. The Old Ways 
12. Dante's Prayer 




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