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发布日期:2019-06-23 12:17:45编辑:音乐人

[专辑名称]:★Romantic Spanish Guitar Vol.1★
[发行时间]:January 14, 2014
[音乐标签]:Bolero Records
[音乐风格]:Spanish Guitar


新佛朗明哥吉他名家Armik,,自幼即展现了对音乐的高度热情,以12岁的稚龄儼然已成专业录音作曲家,自90年代以来,即以内心极具个人风格及力道的情感,赋予佛朗明哥崭新的生命语言。 Armik 对古典吉他精湛的驾驭技术,无疑地奠定了他在Jazz与New Age中稳固的地位。获选Billbo 2006年度十大艺人之吉他大师Armik 2014★Romantic Spanish Guitar Vol.1★大碟,收录11首作品,每首浪漫名曲将Armik神乎其技的吉他弹奏技巧表露无遗,热血沸驣,令人讚叹叹!超靚声的录制,结他迷绝对不容错过!

Armik brings a distinctive style of romance, sensuality, and class to every chart-topping recording he creates. His brilliant contributions to the world of Nuevo Flamenco music, his Spanish Guitar virtuosity, and his ability to merge such rhythms as Flamenco, World, and Spanish Guitar have all garnered him thousands of fans from around the world. Armik is also known for bridging the gap and blending the lines between traditional Jazz and Latin Jazz which has brought him additional recognition for being creative as well as authentic. ROMANTIC SPANISH GUITAR is a brilliant, romantic, and sensual recording. Each song has a special meaning and was carefully chosen, composed, and arranged to leave a musical statement in the listener’s mind and heart.


01. Dancing In The Clouds 4:19
02. Guitarra Poeta 4:22
03. Romance De La Luna 4:39
04. Lagrimas 4:49
05. Hearts Desire 4:42
06. Roses In The Wind 4:35
07. Gypsy Waltz 4:33
08. Sentimientos De Amor 4:42
09. When I First Saw You 4:33
10. Moonlight Stroll 4:36
11. Poeta 5:40




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