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乔瓦尼.马拉蒂 自然优美钢琴曲《秘密》专辑介绍

发布日期:2019-06-22 11:49:02编辑:音乐人

【专辑艺人】: Giovanni Marradi

【专辑名称】: Secrets
【发行日期】: 1993年
【唱片公司】: Ocean Records
【专辑类型】: Piano, Easy listening, New Age, Contemporary
Giovanni Marradi (born 1952) is a composer, pianist, arranger and television presenter. He is the son of Italian trumpeter and conductor Alfredo Marradi; his great-grandfather, also named Giovanni Marradi, was a poet and composer.
Marradi began playing piano at age five, and three years later was sent to study composition and technique with Michael Cheskinov at the Russian Conservatory. As a young adult, he played throughout Europe and the Middle East, but his dream was to come to the U.S. to pursue his music career. After arriving in California as an Italian immigrant, Marradi played small concerts in Southern California and was asked to perform at Caesar's Palace in Las Vegas. While performing on stage, an entertainer took notice of this young talent and a long lasting friendship developed. That entertainer was Frank Sinatra. The two became close friends and Sinatra mentored Marradi throughout the years.
Marradi became one of the most successful expressionist pianists of our time, as well as a composer, arranger, recording artist, inventor and illustrator.
乔瓦尼·马拉蒂 (Giovanni Marradi) 出生在意大利,5岁开始步其父亲后尘练习音乐演奏,8岁开始学作曲。现在已成为世界著名的NEW AGE音乐作曲家和钢琴家。Giovanni 的钢琴音乐犹如清晨荷花上的露珠,晶莹、透明;有时又像森林深处夜鶯的私语,饱含不食人间烟火的凄美。聆听Giovanni的音乐 你会觉得是在读一首首的抒情诗,又像在欣赏一幅幅的风景画…
乔瓦尼一个自然音乐中, 最富盛名的佼佼者, 一个钢琴演奏界的教父, 他运用钢琴丰富多变的特质, 将音符幻化成一幅幅唯美的风景, 熟悉的旋律赋予自然而感性的转折, 造就乔瓦尼迷人的音乐风格。本专《Secrets》(秘密)的优美钢琴曲能给你带来新的感受。是Giovanni音乐系列专辑之十二。
1 Dad
2 Autumn Rain
3 Summer Love
4 Fight Of A Swordsman
5 Magdalena
6 Secrets
7 With You
8 Had I Known
9 Prayer
10 Queen Of Hearts
11 Children Of San Gabriel
12 One Last Dream




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