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広桥真纪子 -- 二十首舒缓迪士尼钢琴音乐推荐

发布日期:2019-06-21 12:16:59编辑:音乐人

【专辑艺人】: Makiko Hirohashi
【专辑名称】: Relaxing Piano BEST - Disney Collection
【发行日期】: 2014-06-27
【唱片公司】: Della
【专辑类型】: Piano, Easy listening, 钢琴演奏


这是Della公司2014年发行二十首放松的迪士尼钢琴音乐, 演奏者是日本钢琴家広桥真纪子。

Makiko Hirohashi(広桥真纪子)是一位日本作曲家和钢琴家,新潟县长冈市出生,毕业于国立音乐学院作曲系,专门从事放松,缓和,治疗压力音乐作曲,也是一位新世纪的艺术家。


01. Beauty and the Beast (From 'Beauty and the Beast') (04:15)
02. Someday My Prince Will Come (From 'Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs') (03:34)
03. Alice in Wonderland (From 'Alice in Wonderland') (04:39)
04. La La Lu (From 'Lady and the Tramp') (03:37)
05. Winnie the Pooh (From 'Winnie the Pooh') (04:04)
06. The Second Star to the Right (From 'Peter Pan') (04:22)
07. Colors of the Wind (From 'Pocahontas') (04:31)
08. Reflection (From 'Mulan') (04:36)
09. Once Upon a Dream (From 'Sleeping Beauty') (04:35)
10. Can You Feel the Love Tonight (From 'The Lion King') (03:48)

01. Let It Go (From 'Frozen') (04:35)
02. Part of Your World (From 'The Little Mermaid') (04:48)
03. A Dream Is a Wish Your Heart Makes (From 'Cinderella') (04:37)
04. When She Loved Me (From 'Toy Story 2') (04:36)
05. Go the Distance (From 'Hercules') (03:51)
06. If I Didn't Have You (From 'Monsters, Inc.') (03:52)
07. It's a Small World (03:13)
08. I See the Light (From 'Tangled') (04:36)
09. A Whole New World (From 'Aladdin') (04:31)
10. When You Wish upon a Star (From 'Pinocchio') (04:27)




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