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精灵之歌 罗宾.斯皮尔伯格 畅销原创钢琴专辑介绍

发布日期:2019-06-20 22:06:28编辑:音乐人

【专辑艺人】: Robin Spielberg 
【专辑名称】: Songs of The Spirit (精灵之歌)
【发行日期】: 1996年
【唱片公司】: North Star Music
【专辑类型】: Piano, Easy listening, New Age
A note from Robin about the recording:
While on a 250-mile drive from a rehearsal last year, it began to rain. Then it began to pour. It became impossible to drive safely so I pulled over, glad to have the comfort of my radio to help me bide the time. I began to hum along to a melody I couldn't quite place, but was indeed familiar. It was warm, soothing, simple. For some reason, it brought to mind an image of a large ship sailing the ocean, bound for America. I began to think of my grandmother who had made a brave voyage to this country on a ship just like that. And as the rain continued to fall, the music filled my car with this comforting, yet triumphant music. When I looked down to see which station was playing this music, I saw, much to my amazement, that the radio was not on. I continued to hear the music for a few more seconds before it faded to silence. The rest of the drive home, I pondered this strange experience, trying to find a reasonable explanation for the radio music. And despite what my skeptic friends say, I am not entirely convinced the music came from my imagination. I think it came from some place else. When I got home, I approached the piano and recalled what I had "heard" (A Song For Jennie). Surely, this is a "song of the spirit" and like the others on this recording, it celebrates that within us that is true, simple, clear. Where words fail, there's this. -- Robin Spielberg
This best-selling recording by Robin Spielberg is a follow-up to her debut, Heal of the Hand. The thirteen solo piano tracks are beautifully recorded. The link between classical music and the new adult contemporary market can be explored further with Songs of the Spirit by Robin Spielberg. Spielberg has one of the best set of hands going. Her touch is perfect, sometimes velvet, sometimes sparkling. Plenty of presence, but not forcing. Robin and piano seem to express intimate emotional edges that will move memories in the listener.
这是Robin Spielberg继首发专辑Heal of the Hand后的第二张作品, 十三首乐曲都是自己原创, Songs of The Spirit的灵感来自一次长途驾车中, 听到一种很亲切的旋律, 不能用语言去描述, 也不知从那裡传来, 可能是从内心深处所领略得到。Robin的琴声强而有力但没有压迫感, 像一面透明的镜子,一扇玻璃窗; 同时身兼演奏家及作曲家的Robin Spielberg,让听者感受到一种音乐纯真的质地,她像打开一个通道,带我们踏上美好私密的记忆小径。
1 Spirit In This House
2 A Song For Jenny (We're Almost There)
3 Maneki Neko
4 Accepting Grace
5 The Promise
6 The Photographer
7 The Nature Of Time
8 Four O'Clock Suite
9 Anthem Of My Heart
10 Soldiers Journey (A Variation)
11 Tree In The Breeze
12 Send Me A Letter
13 Late Night




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