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希腊新世纪音乐家 范吉利斯 2012年最佳典藏集介绍

发布日期:2019-06-20 10:02:16编辑:音乐人

【专辑艺人】: Vangelis
【专辑名称】: The Collection Greatest Hits
【发行日期】: 2012年
【唱片公司】: Rhino Records/ Warner Music Group Company
【专辑类型】: Soundtrack, Modern Classical, Synth-pop, Instrumental


范吉利斯本名Evangelos Odyssey Papathanassiou,1943年3月29日出生于希腊。

范吉利斯(Vangelis)是一位伟大的音乐家,集创作,演奏和音乐制作于一身,一个真正的全才。被人们称为现代的瓦格纳(Richard Wagner)。他的许多史诗般的电子音乐作品和电影配乐深得乐迷们的钟爱。范吉利斯开创了电子音乐与电影配乐的崭新前景,奠定了所谓未来太空音乐的发展,可谓居功厥伟。

几乎没有受过任何音乐教育的他,在4岁时便能演奏钢琴,6岁举行个人作品发表会,可谓真正的音乐天才。这位才艺卓越的键盘器乐手,是近30年来影响力最广泛的电子合成器专家。 范吉利斯年轻时期接受摇滚音乐洗礼,学生时期自组的乐团「Forminx」不仅是1960年代希腊最受欢迎的音乐团体,范吉利斯更是将近代流行音乐带进希腊的第一人。而为了寻找更宽广的音乐空间,25岁的范吉利斯前往巴黎发展,他自组的「爱神之子合唱团」(Aphrodite’s Child)红遍整个欧洲,也成功开发了前卫摇滚乐的新方向。


也许正是因为范吉利斯的无师自通,他的音乐具有独特的无法复制性,他以键盘音乐为基础,巧妙融合古典、流行、电子、new age 等音乐元素,发展出绵密的管弦乐法以及崭新的电子音乐语法,而他身兼作曲、编曲、制作的能力,更完整地呈现他的音乐理念,从早期古典乐器到后来的新电子音乐,在范吉利斯手中诞生出崭新的表现方式,成为一种未来感十足的新音乐。

这专辑是为了配合2012年伦敦夏季奥运会发布,而Vangelis的音乐“战车之火”被采用。 CD中的31首乐曲包括他的电影配乐,独奏和合作专辑。 最新未发行的曲目“Remembering”是一个萨克斯风的伴奏乐。

"Over the course of his long-lasting career, musical genius Evangelos Odyssey Papathanassiou has lived up to his middle name by taking listeners on a wide-ranging journey through music.

In doing so, the man better known as Vangelis has become probably the world's foremost electric composer, with more than 50 albums, several hit singles, countless honours - and an Oscar - to his name.

Synonymous with soundtracks for films and television, his many scores include: Blade Runner, 1492, The Bounty and Chariots of Fire - for which he won an Oscar in 1981. But there is far more to the work of Vangelis, who is driven only by pushing back musical boundaries in his quest for perfection.

A pioneer of the synthesiser from its earliest days, Vangelis was making ambient music before the genre had been defined: New Age music before anyone coined the phrase: Chill-out Soundscapes before we knew how to chill anything but wine.

The collection compiles many of the best-known works from a remarkable career that began when he turned his back on pop superstardom in 1960s hitmakers Aphrodite’s Child, instead, intrigued by the many possibilities of the newly-invented synthesizer, he decided, by blending symphonic structures with electronic instrumentation, to create a unique new sound that, despite all efforts, still defies categorisation.

These two discs span the length and breadth of a solo career that began in 1970 with soundtracks for French nature documentaries, moved on to film and ballet scores and took the profolic partnership with with Jon Anderson from the rock titans Yes.

Adjectives such an “haunting” and “epic” seem to have been invented especially for the music of Vangelis - music that goes straight to the listener’s emotions.

Disc one takes us from sweeping Conquest of Paradise, through the stirring Chariots of Fire to the stark soundscapes of Blade Runner and onwards to the hit-making collaborations with Jon Anderson of I Hear You Now and I’ll Find My Way Home.

Disc two offers listeners to the more ‘ambient’ side of Vangelis. Highlights include the minimalist piano melodies of Memories Of Green and the magical beauty of Ask The Mountains, featuring the angelic vocals of Stina Nordenstam. The album ends with a dreamlike new composition, Remembering, that seamlessly weaves a Sax solo into its mesmeric musical web.

So, with The Collection arriving as London prepares to host the Olympic Games, what better time could there be to discover - or rediscover - the vast catalogue of a composer for ever synonymous with the Olympic ideal of striving for perfection."


Disc 1:
1. Vangelis - Conquest Of Paradise [04:53]
2. Vangelis - Titles From Chariots Of Fire [03:29]
3. Vangelis - Blade Runner End Titles [04:38]
4. Vangelis - Pulstar [05:45]
5. Vangelis - Eternal Alexander [04:35]
6. Vangelis - Anthem - 2002 Fifa World Cup Official Anthem [02:57]
7. Vangelis - Line Open [04:26]
8. Vangelis - To The Unknown Man [05:41]
9. Vangelis - Hymne [02:41]
10. Vangelis - Voices [06:58]
11. Vangelis - Up And Running [03:08]
12. Vangelis - Blade Runner (Main Titles) [05:32]
13. Vangelis - Tears In Rain [03:01]
14. Jon & Vangelis - So Long Ago So Clear [05:01]
15. Jon & Vangelis - I'll Find My Way Home [04:29]
16. Jon & Vangelis - State Of Independence [05:00]
17. Jon & Vangelis - I Hear You Now [05:13]

Disc 2:
18. Vangelis - Rachel's Song [04:46]
19. Vangelis - Missing [03:55]
20. Vangelis - Love Theme (From Blade Runner) [04:53]
21. Vangelis - Ask The Mountains [07:53]
22. Vangelis - Theme From 'Bitter Moon' [03:37]
23. Vangelis - Dream In An Open Place [05:50]
24. Vangelis - Twenty Eighth Parallel [05:10]
25. Vangelis - Memories Of Green [05:04]
26. Vangelis - La Petite Fille De La Mer [05:51]
27. Vangelis - Song Of The Seas [05:55]
28. Vangelis - Memories Of Blue [05:28]
29. Vangelis - L'Enfant [04:53]
30. Vangelis - Echoes [08:18]
31. Vangelis - Remembering [06:28]
32. Vangelis - Theme from 'Antarctica' (Bonus) [07:26]




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