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发布日期:2019-05-03 09:36:00编辑:音乐人

知识点:动画片花木兰收集:都谟镀 编辑:荷花仙子
本知识点包括:1、动画片花木兰的配音演员 2、动画片花木兰英文台词 3、<花木兰>动画片简介 4、美国迪士尼电影《花木兰》并指出其特点 5、动画片花木兰里的所有歌曲 。







1: 【求动画片《花木兰》英语影评本周三就轮到我上讲台演讲了,是英语的啊,】



This retelling of the old Chinese folktale is about the story of a young Chinese maiden who learns that her weakened and lame father is to be called up into the army in order to fight the invading Huns.Knowing that he would never survive the rigours of war in his state,she decides to disguise herself and join in his place.Unknown to her,her ancestors are aware of this and to prevent it,they order a tiny disgraced dragon,Mushu to join her in order to force her to abandon her plan.He agrees,but when he meets Mulan,he learns that she cannot be dissuaded and so decides to help her in the perilous times ahead.


Yes,Disney's Mulan is very much a western/ American movie,made for western and American- not Asian- audiences.No,they "didn't get it right"; or,not exactly.But I never expected them to,and I give them a good deal of credit for trying.They came quite a bit closer that I ever thought that they would.Nor do I find this movie overly feminist (no more than Snow White or Cinderella are "chauvinist").Mulan may be a strong female character,but she is not Aladdin's Princess Jasmine.Mulan is not defined by rebellion,nor by what she rejects.Instead she upholds her sense of honor as she struggles to find out who she is and where she fits in.Moreover,in a genre known for its blatant ad nauseum boy-meets-girl love themes,I truly appreciated the downplayed understatedness of the "interest" between Mulan and Captain Shang.

As to the "commercial" aspect of the film; yes,it had its tie-ins and its merchandising.What Disney movie doesn't?But the real issue is the worth of the film itself,and on this I take exception to the review below.I believe there is more in it than Mr.Mydo gives credit for.

The film does have its awkward moments.The scene with the match-maker and Mulan's first entrance into the army camp are both extremely painful to watch- I do not enjoy watching anyone be utterly humiliated- not even a cartoon character (and I do not believe that someone as bright as Mulan would fumble so badly over simply coming up with a new name).I also find it somewhat irksome that one minor character,Mushu the dragon,continually steals attention away from the movie's proper focus.And there are a number of jokes and visual gags that closely border on PG.I found this in somewhat poor taste in a kid's movie.

But these faults are counterbalanced,and more than compensated for,by the scenes that really work.The opening "brush painting" of the Great Wall; Mulan's song (Reflections) and the ensuing scene of loving encouragement from her father; the scene where she decides to leave home; her heart-to-heart talk with Mushu at the abandoned camp in the mountains; the Imperial Palace where she is honored by the Emperor before all China...the sheer artistry of these scenes is breathtaking.

2: 豫剧花木兰观后感


我对历史题材文学作品的兴趣源于对祖国历史的悠久,文化底蕴的深厚,一本三国满足不了我对历史探寻的渴望.一天,一本《花木兰传记》映入我的眼帘.花木兰这位女强人可闻名中外.于是,我便专心致志地看起来.当我看完时,心中久久不能平静.花木兰的形象在我的脑海里萦绕,我的思绪飞向历史上狼烟弥漫的战争空间.我好像看见敌人像潮水般涌来.在汹涌澎湃的敌军浪潮前,花木兰一马当先,冲入敌阵,一匹白龙马犹如一道白色的闪电,她手中的银枪舞起一股白色的旋风,敌人触着者死,碰着者亡.她所向披靡,锐不可挡,敌人在她的枪下一个又一个地倒下,恐惧中一片鬼哭狼嚎……我又好像看见她经过12年浴血奋战,立下赫赫战功之后,骑在白龙马上的那副矫健威武的形象.她的战友以佩服的眼光望着她,老百姓捧着美酒欢呼着从四面八方涌向她,天子竖起大拇指从京城里出来走向她……在崇高的荣誉面前,她微笑着面对与她并肩作战的战友,谦恭地朝着淳朴忠厚的百姓,婉言谢绝天子对她的“尚书郎”的厚封和“百千强”的赏赐,朝着大家说:“我浴血奋战不是为了这些,而是为了国家不受侵犯和老百姓安居乐业.我本来是老百姓的一员,还让我回家做我的老百姓吧……” 想到这些,我的眼睛禁不住湿润了.花木兰,这位了不起的英雄,她的心灵是多么的纯洁和高尚,她的思想是多么的朴实和坚强,她的青春是多么的富有和美丽,她的精神是多么的伟大和闪光!此时此刻,我想起了《雷锋日记》中的一段话:“青春啊,永远是美丽的,但是真正的青春,只属于那些力争上游的人.”《钢铁是怎样炼成的》的作者奥斯特洛夫斯基说过:“人的一生应该这样度过,当他回首往事的时候,不因虚度年华而懊悔,不因碌碌无为而羞耻……”缅怀英雄,我心潮澎湃.英雄生长的时代已经随着历史的变迁,成为过去,我们已经迈向21世纪.我们是在共和国的阳光里出生的少年,我们的一切条件比起过去的英雄来,不知要优越多少倍.花木兰、黄继光、董存瑞……他们在那样艰苦的年代能够成为英雄,能够为国家和人民立下那么大的功劳,能够为家乡争得那样的光彩,难道我们在这样美好而幸福的时代,不努力学习,天天向上,成为祖国有用的人才吗?“长江后浪推前浪,世上新人超旧人.”对于中华民族史上所有英雄的精神,我们一定要学习之,发扬之!

3: 英文《花木兰》观后感


  Mulan's story-so far, mainly due to "Ode of Mulan" Masterpiece folk side of this, this long narrative poems of praise Nvbannanzhuang Mulan for the father of military legend. Now many more people it will be made into a movie, down through the ages.

          War heroes, men living without a hero, heroine will be, with the Northern Wei Rouran not prominent men of war, will have a prominent heroine Mulan. She is a weak girl, he's elderly father, is no longer on the weak; she is a woman weaving, but to her father, to join the army to fight on. She never bow to the men, loudly told the world: "Women are no inferior to men.". Mulan will be a battle, how rapidly the tension is very high morale, march more urgent, more military tension, this is an order reversing, as a girl left the family, into a battlefield, the equivalent of the world into another. She and a man eating live with, eat the same suffering, by the same tired, but do men with different stories, and create a brilliant different men, as well as proof of "who say woman not so good as men. ? "

          Mulan back, is not easy. Her attention to the value of life, the more the warmth of the family know. She has refused to grant the emperor, officials do not want to cast aside their high position and great wealth, she is willing to foot thousands of miles Chi, also home at an early date.

     She returned, the arm of his elderly parents out to meet her sister was up to greet her, while his younger brother while sharpening pig, take concrete actions to meet the sisters to come back. To see all of this, Mulan is very pleased with the 12-year risk one's life on the battlefield, how hard. The 12-year Nvbannanzhuang and visible, however difficult, but all in the past, Mulan inner spiritual strength, which is what a great place.

     Day settle down, the partners in the past and look at her every time she loaded her daughter to always see them, afraid of the partners in the past, Mulan in mind: you know? Bloody battle in the past to work with you on the battlefield, Li Under the great service; not to come back after the emperor of the reward I am a girl.

     Give me back my daughter character, how proud Mulan.


  花木兰的事迹传至今,主要应归功于《木兰辞》这一方民歌绝 唱,是这篇长篇叙事诗歌颂了花木兰女扮男装替父从军的传奇故事.现在更有许多人将它拍成了电影,千古流传.

  战争产生英雌,在世无男英雄的情况下,便会有女英雄,北魏与柔然战争没有突出的男人,就有了突出的女英雄花木兰. 她本是个柔弱的女孩,可他为了年老的父亲,就不再柔弱;她本是个织布女子,但她为了父亲,就参军打仗.她从不向男的低头,大声告诉了世人:巾帼不让须眉.花木兰就要出征了,是多么的急促紧张,是多么的昂扬士气,行军多急,军情多紧张,军令如山倒,作为一个少女离开闺阁,投入战场,何异投入另一个世界.她与男人同吃共住,吃一样的苦,受一样的累,却干出与男人不同的事迹,创出了与男人不同的辉煌,同时也证明了“女子哪里不如男?”









提示:动画片花木兰的配音演员: 1、成龙-李翔 2、陈佩斯-木须 3、许晴-花木兰 4、叶蓓-花木兰(唱歌) 5、张潮-尧 6、郭政建-宁(对白) 7、 张涵予-宁(唱歌) 8、邵锋-金宝 9、李建义-单于 10、劳力-花弧 11、冯宪珍-花婆婆 12、唐纪琛-媒婆 13、党...


提示:Fa Mulan. 花木兰 Present. 在 Speaking without permission. 不要随便开口说话 Oops. Who spit in her bean curd? 哼!火气这么大干嘛呀? Huh. Hmm. Mmm. Too skinny. 太瘦了. Hmph! Not good for bearing sons. 不容易生出儿子 Recite the fi...




提示:美国迪斯尼电影《花木兰》(Mulan) 《花木兰》是中国家喻户晓的民间故事,讲述花木兰女扮男装,代父从军,征战疆场一十二年,屡建功勋,无人发现她是女子。唐代追封为“孝烈将军”,设祠纪念。宋郭茂倩所编《乐府诗集》中有北朝乐府民歌《木兰诗...


提示:1.成龙《男子汉》 2. 陈慧琳 < 是不是 影中我> 3.a girl is worth fighting for 佳人欢迎我 (这个是原声的) 4.《Honor to us all》 (也是原声的) 就这么多诶 望采纳




儿童歌曲大全 儿童故事大全 卡农钢琴曲谱 天空之城钢琴曲谱 梦中的婚礼钢琴曲谱 梁祝》钢琴曲谱 童年的回忆钢琴曲谱 彩云追月钢琴曲谱 康定情歌钢琴曲谱 水边的阿狄丽娜钢琴曲谱 渔舟唱晚古筝曲谱 云水禅心古筝曲谱 高山流水古筝曲谱 浏阳河古筝曲谱 南泥湾古筝曲谱 梅花三弄古筝曲谱 笑傲江湖古筝曲谱 青花瓷古筝曲谱 月光下的凤尾竹葫芦丝曲谱 婚誓葫芦丝曲谱 荷塘月色葫芦丝曲谱 映山红葫芦丝简谱 军港之夜葫芦丝简谱 青花瓷葫芦丝简谱 蝴蝶泉边葫芦丝曲谱 美丽的神话葫芦丝曲谱 致爱丽丝电子琴谱 小苹果 电子琴谱 天空之城 电子琴谱 婚礼进行曲 电子琴谱 茉莉花 电子琴谱 红河谷曲谱