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E for Sale in Philadelphia''s ''LOVE Park''

发布日期:2021-03-11 15:49:18编辑:音乐人

  PHILADELPHIA, Feb. 13 /PRNewswire/ -- If LOVE is what you seek this Valentine''s Day, it''s for sale in LOVE Park! Philadelphia''s Fairmount Park is pleased to announce this week''s official Grand Opening of the LOVE Souvenir Shop located in the Fairmount Park Welcome Center in JFK Plaza/LOVE Park.

(Photo: )

The LOVE Shop is the first of its kind in the City of Brotherly Love, dedicated to souvenirs representing artist Robert Indiana''s famous LOVE statue-the central resident of LOVE Park. Since November 2007, Fairmount Park has offered a boutique inventory of the LOVE-themed gifts for sale in response to tourist demands. Examples of the souvenirs include replicas of the LOVE sculpture made of cast aluminum, glass coasters, tiles, key chains, magnets, light-up pens, coffee mugs, holiday ornaments and pins.

For a virtual tour of the Love Shop, go to and click the LOVE button. The Welcome Center was established to promote Fairmount Park programs and facilities throughout the 9,200-acre park system. Artist Robert Indiana''s pop art statue is one of Philadelphia''s cherished landmarks and gives rise to the "LOVE Park" name. A steady stream of tourists and visitors come to the famed LOVE statue for photos on their way to other Philly favorites like the Rocky steps/statue to the west and the Liberty Bell to the east!

LOVE Souvenir Shop hours are 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. Call (215) 683-0246 for more information. LOVE Park is at JFK Plaza, 1599 John F. Kennedy Boulevard, Philadelphia, PA.

Note to Editors: For high-resolution photos of Greater Philadelphia, visit the photo gallery of

Source: Fairmount Park Welcome Center

· Love Statue · Click Here to Download Image

Source: Fairmount Park Welcome Center




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