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发布日期:2021-02-10 07:18:00编辑:音乐人

China conducts mock intercontinental ballistic missile strike exercise


BEIJING: China's Rocket Force, the strategic and tactical missile operator of the People's Liberation Army (PLA), has conducted a simulated intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) strike mission from an underground bunker against an imaginary enemy, official media here reported.


China Central Television (CCTV), which carried the news, however, did not disclose the details about the location and time of the exercise.


The Rocket Force was set up by the PLA three years ago as President stepped up efforts to modernise the 2 million-strong Chinese military, the world's largest force.


The Rocket Force was carved out from the second artillery corps and it functioned in coordination with the Strategic Support Force which focussed on navigation and cyber technology support.


China's land-based ICBM has a flight range of 12,000 km and could potentially hit targets in the US, state-run Global Times reported.


Revealing the ICBM test, the CCTV report said long-term survival training in closed environments has become routine for the troops to ensure counterattack capability in case a war breaks out, the report said.



译文来源:三泰虎   译者:Jessica.Wu

Shyam - 1 day ago -Follow

Fifty years back India was way ahead of China but because Indian politicians became so corrupt that they started looting public funds with a concept that I loot, You loot, We loot, let Country go to hell. So India's growth was halted. Scam after Scam continued. Having left with no choice Modi got thumping majority. But the mess of 60 years will take time to get cleared specially because every official has become Habitual of choir. Habits die hard. But if Modi continue for 10-15 years, we can hope a better India.


Shyam - 1 day ago -Follow

Very well said sir, moreover, because of these looters, we remained as "Developing Country", thought we had all the natural and human resource, while China, Japan, Germany have reached to a new height. We should be ashamed of ourselves of being sl ves even 70 years after independence and doing sl very to one family and allow them to loot.


Gabbar Singh - Boston - 23 hours ago -Follow

This is all hogwash. If someone thinks China will risk a nuclear war or even a conventional with US or India, they are idiots. Chinese are too shrewed to lose their decades of progress.




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