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发布日期:2021-02-10 01:59:21编辑:音乐人



- unlimited number of unique puzzles
- 3 levels of difficulty
- many word lists from interesting categories
- word lists in many languages
- local and 24-hours online scoreboard
- weekly competitions
- high-quality graphics
- detailed local and global game-play statistics
- choose between 4 highly readable font styles
- highlightings are colorful or in monochrome
- If you tap on a foreign word in the game's word list, it will be shown to you the translation in your native language.
- If you tap on a word in the word list, you will hear it pronounced.

The aim of the game is to find words hidden in the field of letters.

This game is a lot of fun and is ideal for building a better vocabulary, improving one's spelling skills and practicing the ability to concentrate.

The word lists were created by hand, not by computer, to make sure that they are always interesting and entertaining. Our clever algorithm hides the words for each puzzle in a new, different and always interesting way to keep the fun going.

Learn and improve.

Help humankind by playing this game. For each day that you play, we will donate a portion of the revenues to measures that save lives and relieve the suffering of people in emergency situations. We support emergency medical care where it is needed most and are committed to affordable, high quality medicines for the world's poorest people.

The game includes the following designs:

- Oktoberfest
- winter
- coral reef
- Christmas
- outer space
- jungle
- the Maya
- old school
- parchment
- swimming
- ice hockey
- soccer
- the beach

A large, wide range of vocabulary is included.

You can choose from 3 levels of difficulty. They differ by how well hidden the words are (for example, diagonally placed words are more difficult to detect).

Have fun!

单词找找看 22.0 更新内容:

- Play the exact same words again, but in a manner that they are placed differently.
- Critical stability update.




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