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美国加州奧克斯納4卧2卫的房产USD 415,000

发布日期:2021-02-07 00:07:12编辑:音乐人

Perfect first family home located in South Oxnard! When entering you�ll feel right at home. The inviting living area has warm two tone designer paint schemes and lovely tile floors. A flowing open floor plan guides you straight to an expansive kitchen. Charming family home contains 1,120 sq ft with a 2 car garage and down the hall you�ll find 4 bedrooms & 2 bathrooms perfect for your little ones or even turn one bedroom into an office. A generous size master bedroom has appealing d ual ceiling fans, open windows, and own private bathroom and shower. Stepping into the spacious backyard, there are endless possibilities & will be a favorite entertainment destination with a large covered patio perfect for gatherings. Conveniently located near schools and shops. A must see wont last long!




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