发布日期:2019-02-24 14:55:00编辑:音乐人
概括:这道题是羿翰牡同学的课后练习题,主要是关于职位证明,指导老师为籍老师。身份证明是一个或一组证明自己身份的有效证件。包括居民的、政企的、华侨的、各机构的等能够证明自己身份、权限的有效证件。 即使是同一民事主体,在不同场合需要提供的身份证明也不完全相同。例如,一个人作为中国公民,只需要提供公安局制发的居民身份证作为身份证明;但如果这个人要作为小区业主参与物业活动,则除了居民身份证外,还需要提供房产证或其他证明其合法拥有房屋产权的证件作为业主身份证明。
“To Whom It May Concern
This is to certify that XXX is undergoing an internship programme in our Company since 01 July 2011, his position is Assistant to HR Manager. His main duties are arranging for routine meetings, recruitment, orientation for new staff members, and so on. During this period, Mr.XXX was observed to be hard-working, attentive and positive at work. Throught out the past year, he had gradully secured a good understanding of the operation of the Company and also possessed the necessary skills and experience required for the job.
(最好加上:Should there be any further enquiry regarding the internship of MrXXX, please feel free to write to/email the undersigned.)
Dated this XX June, 2012
(Signature & Company chop)”
例1: 【在职证明求英文翻译在职证明兹证明.在我公司任职(工作),专此证明.证明者:.二零一四年二月十三日】[英语练习题]
Certification of Incumbency
Hereby I certify XXX being employed by our company (公司) / institution (机构). Here by to prove it.
Attestor: XXX
February 13th, 2014
例2: 英语翻译求英语达人帮助!出国签证要用,不要百度,谷歌翻译出来的!第一份:尊敬的法国领事馆:兹证明XXXXX,男,49岁,现在四川省中成煤炭建设(集团)有限责任公司工作,担任副总裁职位.他的
来自Sara Cao的回复:
To Consulate General of France:
This certify Mr. XXXX(姓名), male, 49 years old. His current title is vice president in Sichuan Zhongcheng Coal Construction (Group) Co., Ltd. He is responsible for the overall operation of the company. He has been working for 30 years.
Hereby certify. For further esquires, please feel free to call at XXXXXXXX
Dear Consulate General of France:
This certify Ms. XXXX(姓名), female, 48 years old. Her current title is clerk in Sichuan Zhongcheng Coal Construction (Group) Co., Ltd. She is responsible for cost accounting. She has been working for 31 years.
Hereby certify. For further esquires, please feel free to call at XXXXXXXX
Dear Consulate General of France:
This certify Mr. XXXX(姓名), male, 49 years old,. His current title is vice president in Sichuan Zhongcheng Coal Construction (Group) Co., Ltd. He is responsible for the overall operation of the company. Mr. XXX has been entitled to a annual salary RMB 200,000. With basic salary, subsidies and bonuses. The individual income tax already handed by the company. This certify XXXXX, female, 48 years old. Her current title is clerk in Sichuan Zhongcheng Coal Construction (Group) Co., Ltd. She is responsible for cost accounting. Mr. XXX has been entitled to a annual salary RMB 60,000. With basic salary, subsidies and bonuses. The individual income tax already handed by the company. Hereby certify. For further esquires, please call at XXXXXXXX
Sichuan Zhongcheng Coal Construction (Group) Co., Ltd.
June 8, 2012
点拨:兹证明我公司__________先生/女士(出生日期:_____年_____月_____日),自_____年_____月_____日在我公司工作,现任北京诚智思源物业管理经营有限公司__________职务。 特此证明 (公司章) ______年______月______日 扩展资料在职证明一般就是工作...
点拨:职务是指科长、处长、经理等,写主管也可以。 岗位:业务主管。 职称是指专业技术职务,比如工程师、会计师等等。有的话就按实际的填,没有的话填无也是没关系的。 扩展资料: 职称(Professional Title)最初源于职务名称,理论上职称是指专业...
点拨:不一定需要工作证明! 现在新浪微博可以有好友辅助认证。 只要你有两个互粉橙V好友就可以了 然后名片,工作牌,之类的都可以作为认证证明 然后由两位互粉好友转发即可,这是最简单的认证方法!
点拨:工作证明 XXX,身份证号XXX,于XXX年(时间)入职我司,在某部门工作,特此证明。 XXX公司 盖章
点拨:谁帮你开的收入证明 就写上谁的大名及电话联系方式