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发布日期:2021-01-17 13:35:34编辑:音乐人

1.偶尔也要活得强硬一些,天天软得像烂泥有什么意思。Occasionally also want to live some tough, soft like mud every day what's the point.2.时间会告诉你一切事情的真相。Time will tell you the truth of everything
3.越长大越明白,爱不爱都是次要的,在一起舒服才是最重要的。The more you grow up, the more you understand that whether you love or not is secondary, and comfort together is the most important thing.4.人要走,就有千万种理由。There are thousands of reasons for people to leave
5.很多深情的人表面上都有一副玩世不恭的态度。Many affectionate people have a cynical attitude on the surface
6.把你的好留起来给自己最爱的人。Save your best for the one you love most
7.什么都在涨价,只有人心越来越廉价。Everything is going up in price, only people are getting cheaper and cheaper
8.微笑背后的心酸,除了自己没人能懂。Smile behind the sad, in addition to their own no one can understand
9.我最信任的人教会了我不要相信任何人。The people I trust the most taught me not to trust anyone10.你总是不经意的一句话就会让我彻夜难眠。You always inadvertently a word will let me sleep all night.
11.每次决定放弃前自己再努力一下下,总会有惊喜出现。Every time I try hard before I decide to give up, there will always be a surprise.12.余生很贵,别为难自己,放下过往,放过自己。The rest of your life is very expensive, don't embarrass yourself, let go of the past, let go of yourself.13.你必须要努力,不然不管过多久,你都还是那个一无是处的自己。You have to work hard, or no matter how long, you will still be yourself.




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