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发布日期:2019-02-17 14:57:00编辑:音乐人




How to make ice cream

With summer on the way,our thoughts naturally turn to ice cream.It's well worth making it yourself,both for superior flavour and to avoid all those commercial additives.

How to make ice cream

1Getting down to basics

2Moving on to different flavours

Choosing your ice cream maker

The best way to make ice cream at home is to use an ice cream maker.It is possible to manage without but the results won't be quite the same.

There are basically two kinds of electric ice cream makers (as opposed to antiquated hand-churned versions).The first has a bucket which needs to be pre-frozen for 12-18 hours.An electric paddle then churns the ice cream as it freezes.These are great for the home kitchen but you do have to remember to pre-freeze them.You can even buy a model which will make 'whippy' ice cream to put on cones great for the kids!Professional kitchens rely on the larger and more expensive versions which have a built-in freezer.The basic ice-cream makers range from around 0 to 0.The professional versions cost 00 upwards.Phillips,Magimix and Gaggia all make excellent machines.

What if you don't have one?

Most recipes for ice-cream will taste great even if you don't have an ice cream maker but it will mean more work for you.Once you've made the basic mixture you'll need to freeze it in a large plastic container.As it is freezing take the container out of the freezer every half an hour or so and whisk it thoroughly with an electric hand whisk until frozen.This stops hard ice-crystals from forming and spoiling the texture and flavour of your ice cream.

Where do I start?

Once you have a basic recipe (see below) you can have all kinds of fun.This recipe makes a vanilla ice cream which can be customized to your requirements the only limit is your imagination.Be sure to use real vanilla pods and don't even think about using cheap vanilla essence it simply won't taste right.If you are desperately short of time a vanilla extract made from Madagascan bourbon vanilla should do the trick,replace one pod with one tablespoon of extract.

Variations on a theme.

You can have all kinds of fun with your ice-cream.Adding a fruit puree towards the end of churning produces a great fruity dessert with a ripple effect.Try strawberry,rhubarb or raspberry and for an extra treat add some crushed meringues as well.Finely chopped dark chocolate will turn your ice-cream into a high-class pudding or at the other end of the scale,a crushed Crunchy bar or broken-up After Eight mints will add a chocolate note with a difference.Smarties are great for the little (and not-so-little!) ones as are chocolate chips and buttons,try mixing dark,milk and white together for a real treat.

A simple vanilla ice cream

Don't forget to check the capacity of your ice cream maker.Trying to freeze too much mixture at once will cause certain disaster.The recipe below is based on classic vanilla custard.

Makes approx 600ml or 4-6 servings

250ml milk (whole or semi-skimmed)

300ml double cream

75g caster sugar

6 large egg yolks (preferably free-range organic)

1 vanilla pod

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Heat the milk and cream in a heavy saucepan over a low heat.Meanwhile split the vanilla pod lengthways using a sharp knife leaving the tip intact.Scrape out the seeds with the point of the knife and add to the seeds and empty pod to the pan.Once the liquid comes to a boil remove from the heat.Whisk together the egg yolks and sugar until pale and fluffy.Remove the vanilla pod and then add the liquid to the eggs,whisking continuously to prevent curdling.

Return the custard to the pan and stir on a very low heat until it thickens slightly,this should take about five minutes.Cool quickly and chill before churning according to the instructions on your ice cream maker.


例1: 【英语翻译首先把蛋清从鸡蛋中分离出来,然后搅拌,放入白糖在搅拌均匀的蛋清中加入蛋黄,充分搅拌再加入鲜奶油,最后加上些朗姆酒放入冰箱冷冻2-3小时,取出——————————————】[英语练习题]


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例2: 冰淇凌用英语怎么说[英语练习题]


ice cream

例3: 一些冰激凌用英语怎么说?[英语练习题]


一般来说没有“一些冰激凌”的说法,因为形容词与名词不搭配,当然有些不正规的口语可以这么说,于是变自然了.可以用some ice cream,如果有容器,一般都有容器的可以说some cups of ice cream几杯冰激凌,some cones of ice cream几筒冰激凌(蛋卷那种).



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