发布日期:2019-01-30 11:24:33编辑:音乐人
解:Mr.Yuan was born in Beijing,China.He loves playing Mahjong and the Erhu (Chinese violin),swimming and motorcycling.
Born in 1930 and a graduate from the Southwest Agriculture Institute in 1953,Yuan began his teaching career at an agriculture school in Anjiang,Hunan Province.
He came up with an idea for hybridizing rice in the 1960s,when a series of natural disasters and inappropriate policies had plunged China into an unprecedented famine that caused many deaths.
Since then,he has devoted himself to the research and development of a better rice breed.
In 1964,he happened to find a natural hybrid rice plant that had obvious advantages over others.Greatly encouraged,he began to study the elements of this particular type.
In 1973,in cooperation with others,he was able to cultivate a type of hybrid rice species which had great advantages.It yielded 20 percent more per unit than that of common ones.
The next year their research made a breakthrough in seeding.They successfully developed a set of technologies for producing indica (long-grained non-glutinous) rice,putting China in the lead worldwide in rice production.For this achievement,he was dubbed the "Father of Hybrid Rice."
His contribution to the mankind is enormous.By his achievement,the Earth is able to produce extra rice equivalent to the food requirement by tens of millions of population.
At present,as much as 60 percent of China's total rice grown is Yuan Longping’s hybrid rice species.More rice so produced is enough to feed 60 million people.Worldwide,20% of rice comes from the rice species created by hybrid rice following his methodology.
The "Super Rice" Yuan is now testing yields 30 percent higher than those of common rice.
例1: 【袁隆平的英语简介】[英语练习题]
Born in Peking,Yuan Longping graduated from Southwest Agricultural College in China in 1953,and then was assigned to teach crop genetics and breeding at an agricultural school in Hunan Province.He began his research in hybrid rice development in 1964 and subsequently was transferred to the Hunan Academy of Agricultural Sciences in 1971 to serve as a research professor.It was there,two years later,that he achieved a major scientific breakthrough as he successfully developed the genetic materials essential for breeding high-yielding hybrid rice varieties.
Professor Yuan is widely acknowledged for the discovery of the genetic basis of heterosis in rice—a phenomenon in which the progeny of two distinctly different parents grow faster,yield more,and resist stress better than either parent.In developing his “three-line system” of hybrid rice,Professor Yuan and his team soon produced a commercial hybrid rice variety called Nan-you No.2,which was released in 1974.With yields 20 percent higher than previous varieties,Professor Yuan’s new crop immediately began to improve food availability in China.
In the three decades following his breakthrough achievement,planting of this new crop has spread so widely,so that now almost half of China’s rice production area is planted in hybrid rice with a 20 percent higher yield over previous varieties.This translates into food to feed approximately 60 million more people per year in China alone.Beyond this exceptional accomplishment,Professor Yuan has built an additional legacy of combating food shortages and hunger through his:
--Developing of a new technique for increasing hybrid seed yields through restriction of self-pollination;
--Facilitating the establishment of the hybrid rice seed production industry in China;
--Developing new strategies to further improve hybrid rice
--Developing a successful two-line system of hybrid rice;
--Developing higher yielding “super hybrid rice”;
--Spreading his techniques for hybrid rice throughout Asia and to Africa and the Americas; and
--Training thousands of scientists and researchers from over 25 countries.
Professor Yuan has shared his knowledge and technology with foreign scientists,providing them with crucial breeding materials for the commercial production of hybrid rice in their respective countries.Farmers in more than ten other countries besides China,including the United States,have thus benefited from his work,gaining access to a technology they may otherwise never have enjoyed.
Philippines President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo praised Professor Yuan Longping for “spurring the rapid development of hybrid rice in the Philippines and other Asian countries,such as Vietnam,India,Bangladesh,Myanmar,and Indonesia.”
The Minister of Livestock,Agriculture and Fisheries of Uruguay,Martin Aguirrezabala,lauded Professor Yuan for the training programs he conducted and for his valuable assistance to developing countries in expanding hybrid rice production.
Professor Yuan’s pioneering research has helped transform China from food deficiency to food security within three decades.His accomplishments and clear vision helped create a more abundant food supply and,through food security,a more stable world.Professor Yuan’s distinguished life’s work has caused many to call him the “Father of Hybrid Rice,” while his continuing research offers even more promise for world food security and adequate nutrition for the world’s poor.
Professor Yuan’s remarkable achievements in hybrid rice research have previously won him numerous awards and honors,including China’s State Supreme Science and Technology Award,the 2001 Magsaysay Award,the UN FAO Medal of Honor for Food Security,and the 2004 Wolf Prize in Agriculture.
例2: 【英语翻译YuanLongpingBorninPeking,YuanLongpinggraduatedfromSouthwestAgriculturalCollegeinChinain1953,andthenwasassignedtoteachcropgeneticsandbreedingatanagriculturalschoolinHunanProvince.Hebeganhisresearchinhybri】[英语练习题]
Yuan Longping is known as China’s “father of hybrid rice”.It’s said that in China,we eat depending on “Two Ping” ---- Deng Xiaoping,who made the policy of System of Production Responsibility,& Yuan Longping,who invented hybrid rice.
Yuan Longping,who was born in September,1930,graduated from Agriculture Department in Southwest Agricultural Institute.He has been working on agriculture education & the research into hybrid rice since he left the institute.
In the 1960s,when China was suffering serious famine,he came up with the idea of hybrid rice,which has a high yield.Ten years later,he succeeded in inventing a new species that produced a 20 percent higher yield than common types of rice.
Yuan devoted himself to the research into agriculture,& was honored by UNESCO & FAO.Although he is 70 years old,he is still working on the research into agriculture.
例3: 【帮忙写一篇关于袁隆平的英文作文!还要加上自己的感受!要求100字左右!写袁隆平的生活经历!\(≥▽≤)/~】[英语练习题]
Yuan Longping (born September 7,1930) is a Chinese agricultural scientist and educator,known for developing the
first hybrid rice varieties in the 1970s.His "hybrid rice" has since been grown in dozens of countries in Africa,America,
and Asia —providing a robust food source in high famine risk areas.
Mr.Yuan won the State Preeminent Science and Technology Award of China in 2000,the Wolf Prize in agriculture
and the World Food Prize in 2004.He is currently is DirectorGeneral of the China National Hybrid Rice R&D Center and
has been appointed as Professor at Hunan Agricultural University,Changsha.He is a member of the Chinese Academy
of Engineering,foreign associate of the US National Academy of Sciences (2006) and the 2006 CPPCC.
Mr.Yuan was born in Beijing,China.He loves playing Majong and the Erhu (Chinese violin),swimming and motorcycling.
2.Yuan Longping (1930.9.7 -) origindaxJiujiang City,Jiangxi Province,was born in Beijing.The founder of China's hybrid rice research,as the "Father of Hybrid Rice","Contemporary Shennong","m God" and so on.
He graduated from Southwest College of Agriculture in 1953.1964 study of hybrid rice in 1973 supporting the realization of three-line,in 1974 the first hybrid rice breeding excellent combination of strong priority on the 2nd South,in 1975 the successful development of hybrid rice seed production techniques.
袁隆平 (1930.9.7 -) 籍贯江西省九江市德安县,生于北京.我国杂交水稻研究创始人,被誉为“杂交水稻之父”、“当代神农”、“米神”等.
例4: 袁隆平英语简介[英语练习题]
Yuan Longping,China's Most Famous "Farmer"
It says every scientist cherishes a childhood dream indicating his or her future success,but for Yuan Longping,dubbed as "father of hybrid rice," the dream is that he cultivates rice as plump as peanuts,and farmers can relax in the cool shadow of big rice plants.
Yuan,71,won a 5 million yuan State Supreme Science and Technology Award today,known as the Nobel Prize in China,for his outstanding achievements in breeding high-yield hybrid rice,which has substantially increased China's grain output.
Yuan came up with the idea of hybridizing rice for the first time in the world in 1960s.Since then,50 percent of China's total rice cultivation fields have grown such rice,which added some 300 billion kilograms to the country's grain output.
Furrows grown on his sunburnt face,a slim figure and coiled-up trousers legs would confuse foreign reporters who came to interview the most famous scientist in China,who would rather be called "a farmer."
Indeed,like many Chinese farmers,Yuan in his 70s and has devoted most of his life growing rice in paddyfields,but unlike those farmers,he reaps the seed from experimental fields only for hybridizing rice.
The urbanite-turned-farmer graduated from Southwest Agriculture College in 1953 has his name related to the world's most advanced agricultural technology.Four minor planets,a listed seed company 's and a science college in China were named after him,which were the first time that a Chinese scientist's name is valued for its intellectual assets.
By lending his name to the Longping High-tech,a seed company,Yuan obtained a 5 per cent stake,or 2.5 million shares worth 2 million yuan,in the firm.
However,Yuan said his research requires the lifestyle of a farmer,or rather a migrating farmer,as he has conducted extensive research related to the cultivation of new strains of hybrid rice "Super Hybrid Rice" in some 10 provinces.
In the year 1999,more than 300 billion kilograms of grain were increased from about 240 million hectares of hybrid rice,which signified the success of his research.And this made Yuan firmly believe that China can surely feed her 1.2 billion population with her limited cultivated land.
The "Super Rice" yields are 30 percent higher than those of common rice.The record yield of 17,055 kilograms per hectare was registered in Yongsheng County in Yunnan in 1999.
But even after that achievement Yuan won't take a break.He has a dream,more realistic than that of his young age,that popularizing new strains of grain with higher yields around the world,can eliminate starvation on earth.
The UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) has vowed to get involved in the work of spreading the coverage of Yuan's high- yield hybrid rice,which it considers the best way to increase the world's grain output.
The FAO's 1991 statistics show that 20 percent of the world's rice output was yielded from 10 percent of the world's rice fields,which grow hybrid rice.
"If the new strain was sown in the rest of the rice acreage,the present grain output around the world can be more than doubled.This can be a solution to the grain shortage," said the unselfish scientist.
In 1980,Yuan went to the United States at the invitation of the International Rice Research Institute to share his knowledge about the cultivation technology of hybrid rice.He was also employed in 1991 as the chief consultant of FAO to bring his research methods to other countries.
With the help of Chinese scientists,the acreage of hybrid rice in Viet Nam and India increased to 200,000 hectares and 150,000 hectares in 1999,respectively.
The rice research costs time to prove its value.At the age of 43,Yuan cultivated the world's first hybrid rice.At that time the country's grain yield was about 4,500 kilogram per hectare.
"The natural disaster and policy miscarriage further deteriorated starvation in China by then," Yuan recalled tearfully.
This is his motivation to stimulate his research.Largely due to his scientific progress,China's total rice output rose from 5.69 billion tons in 1950 to 19.47 billion tons last year.The growth rate of rice output far exceeded the population growth speed.
Some people estimate Yuan's actual fortune might amount to more than 100 million yuan (12 million U.S.dollars),making him one of the richest people in China.But he doesn't know for sure himself,for he seems not to care about his own assets than the rice harvest.
Some people asked him to move the focus of his research from improving amounts of hybrid rice to the quality and taste,which would be easier to do.But,the stubborn academician insisted that the amount of hybrid rice's per unit yield still outweighs the quality,for his foremost task is to improve the grain reserve in developing countries
例5: 急求关于袁隆平的简单英语简介不要太长,中篇或短篇就行,是关于7年级上学期M11(Nationalharo)的,生词不要太多,最好是自己写的,[英语练习题]
Yuan Longping is a Chinese agricultural scientist and educator. His contribution to mankind is enormous. He is known for developing the first hybrid rice varieties in the 1970s, and called "The Father of Hybrid Rice". At present, as much as 60 percent of China's total rice grown is Yuan Longping’s hybrid rice species.
点拨:出生年月:1930年9月7日 籍贯:江西德安 出生地:北京 现任:国家杂交水稻工程技术研究中心主任 湖南省政协副主席 毕业院校:西南农学院 袁隆平简介 1949年8月考入了重庆相辉学院农学系。1953年毕业于西南农学院。现为中国工程院院士、国家杂交...
点拨:袁隆平(1930.9.7-)江西省九江市德安县人,中国杂交水稻育种专家,中国研究与发展杂交水稻的开创者,被誉为“世界杂交水稻之父”。 1953年毕业于西南农学院,1995年被选为中国工程院院士,1999年中国科学院北京天文台施密特CCD小行星项目组发现的...
点拨:袁隆平 (1930.9.7 -) 籍贯江西省九江市德安县,生于北京。我国杂交水稻研究创始人,被誉为“杂交水稻之父”、“当代神农”、“米神”等。 1953年毕业于西南农学院(1985年更名为西南农业大学,2005年与西南师范大学 合并组建为西南大学)。1964年开始...
点拨:学生发起爱情攻势 1953年,袁隆平作为新中国第一代大学生从重庆湘辉农学院(今西南农业大学)毕业,被分配到偏远的湘西安江农校教书。 光荫荏苒,袁隆平大学毕业一晃就几年了,已到了大龄青年的他仍然是孑然一身。同事朋友们纷纷热心给袁隆平张罗...
题5:袁隆平 英文简介
点拨:A brief introduction简单介绍: Yuan Longping is known as China’s “father of hybrid rice”. It’s said that in China, we eat depending on “Two Ping” ---- Deng Xiaoping, who made the policy of System of Production Responsibility, & ...