发布日期:2019-01-30 11:23:04编辑:音乐人
我认为美丽心灵指的是人内心的那个希望,当初在看a beautiful mind的时候,令我最感动的莫过于纳什妻子对纳什那份爱,这种爱超乎了夫妻之间的感情,超乎了亲人之间的情感.对于纳什得病了,却依旧很耐心的守候着他、陪伴着他.感动观众的不光光是纳什的那份毅力,还有妻子对他的那份守望与忠诚.曾经看过纳什的一段采访,看的出纳什对妻子很依赖!
I wasn't actually planning on going to see "A Beautiful Mind" in the first place,but as it was,I was convinced by the friend that accompanied me that it was truly something to see.And now,after seeing it,I thank her for that.Instead of spending two and a half hours watching George Clooney and Matt Damon rob casinos or Kevin Spacey and Julianne Moore dealing with their problems in New Foundland,I found myself pulled into another kind of story,a powerful,emotional story of how one man learned to battle his own demons and dazzle the world.
"A Beautiful Mind",based on the novel by Sylvia Nasar,is the story of John Forbes Nash Jr.,the genius mathematician,whose life suddenly takes a turn for the worse when he is diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia.After fierce battles with his inner self,he overcomes this and returns to win the Nobel Prize in 1994 for his brakethrough game theory in economics that he had been working on during his years in Princeton University in the 1950s.
John Nash,portrayed very well by the versatile and brilliant Russell Crowe,is a partly shy,yet ironic and sometimes even arrogant,gifted young student studying in Princeton University in the late 1940s.He dedicates his time to numbers and equations,set on to solving every problem at hand,rather than mingling with co-students on the football field or in the pub.
Nash is later on introduced to Sylvia (played by the lovely Jennifer Connely),a physics student attending his classes.She helps Nash to open up and eventually discover love.
Enter William Parcher (played by Ed Harris),a shadowy and mysterious agent working for the Department of Defense.Parcher,after realizing Nash's ability to see mathematical and geometrical patterns everywhere,approaches Nash with a mission that involves national security.
Now,amidst his work and relationship,Nash is suddenly thrown into a whirlwind of emotions and disbeliefs as he is diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia.And this is the part where "A Beautiful Mind" truly shines:in portraying the disorder from Nash's own point of view.In a powerful and emotional way,it shows the viewer how difficult an illness like this can be to not only face,but overcome,something that people today may not always realize.
Before seeing this movie,I must admit that I was a bit afraid that casting such a well-known actor as Russell Crowe as the main character would ruin the image of John Nash,forcing the viewer to see Crowe,rather than Nash.This is a common problem when dealing with famous actors,but to my surprise,it didn't much bother me much.And the same goes for Ed Harris.
As a movie,"A Beautiful Mind" is absolutely great (It is so much more,but I cannot find the words to praise it enough,so I will simply go with "great" =).Not only does it have a strong point and an importaint message to the viewer,but it delivers it in a touching and sensitive,partly even humourous kind of way,with the help of powerful actors,a great screenplay and even a few special effects to boost it up.So for anyone whose grown tired of the consant pointless action-movies out there,and instead want to immerse themselves into a character-driven story that might actually bring a tear to your eyes,I sincerily recommend "A Beautiful Mind".
例1: 美丽心灵影评求美丽心灵的影评,有能力的提供英文版(250)谢谢[英语练习题]
A Beautiful Mind
A Beautiful Mind is a touching,emotionally charged film detailing the life of a brilliant academic who suffers from schizophrenia.This affliction slowly takes over his mind and we watch as his life crumbles apart around him.He abandons his students,alienates his colleagues and replaces his research with a fruitless and all-consuming obsession.Eventually he is taken into hospital where he is forced,with the help of electric-shock therapy and regular medication,to accept his condition and attempt to repair the shattered fragments of his life.
He succeeds.Of course he succeeds,this is Hollywood and Hollywood likes a happy ending.In this case the happy ending is that,as an old man and after years of struggle,the poor academic is awarded the Nobel Prize.One interesting point though; it's a true story and our hero is none other than John Forbes Nash Jr.
As a young man,John Nash was a mathematical genius.In 1947 he went to Princeton on a Carnegie Scholarship,and after three years had produced a 27-page dissertation for his doctorate in which he greatly expanded the field of Game Theory,transporting it from a position of relative obscurity into one of almost universal relevance.
In the 1920s the father of Game Theory,Hungarian mathematician John von Neumann,had shown that mathematical models could be used to explain the behaviour of players in simple games.His work was limited in scope however,and although interesting,it appeared to be of little practical use.
Nash's dissertation expanded on von Neumann's work,showing how Game Theory could explain complex as well as simple competitive behaviour.It wasn't a comprehensive solution to all game situations,but it did lay the foundations for the huge body of work on Game Theory which has been produced since.
Unfortunately,very little of this comes across in A Beautiful Mind because the director (Ron Howard) seems more interested in making a film about a schizophrenic than a mathematician suffering from schizophrenia.At the start of the film we are shown a Hollywood template of a typically obsessive young academic,introverted,socially inept,dismissive of his colleagues' work.If the notes we see Nash scribbling on his windows were chemical formulae or rhyming couplets rather than mathematical equations,the character would have seemed equally plausible.
This is not to say that Russell Crowe,who plays Nash,does a bad job.Indeed,he succeeds in giving his character a convincing plausibility rarely seen in mainstream cinema these days,and he was certainly a deserving Oscar nominee.It's just that we never see him doing any maths apart from the occasional scribbling on windows.
And when his great breakthrough finally comes,Nash is not poring over his books in the library or gazing fixedly at his glass equivalent of a blackboard,he's in a bar,eyeing up a group of attractive young women.How visually convenient.
But to be fair,this is a dramatisation based on Sylvia Nasar's best-selling book,not a documentary.Its aim is to entertain,not to enlighten,and it does this perfectly well.Russell Crowe produces probably his best performance to date and is equally convincing as both the awkward young genius and the tortured convalescent,struggling to rebuild his marriage and career.Jennifer Connolly (who won the Oscar for Best Supporting Actress) is excellent as Alicia,Nash's long-suffering wife,and there are several strong performances from the supporting cast,most notably Ed Harris as a mysterious character from the military and Paul Bettany as Nash's Princeton roommate.
But Hollywood requires more from its films than a few good performances; it requires drama,action,romance,pathos,excitement.A Beautiful Mind makes a fair attempt to include all of these ingredients and the results obviously satisfied producers and film-goers alike - it won Oscars for Best Film and Best Director.But for those expecting to see a film about mathematics it is unlikely to satisfy.Early in the film,John Nash describes himself as having "two helpings of brain and half a helping of heart".A Beautiful Mind seems the exact opposite.
例2: 美丽心灵观后感求英文电影《美丽心灵》的英文观后感,英文的![英语练习题]
"A Beautiful Mind" is an exceptional story,but it is only and exceptional film because of its director.Ron Howard does an amazing job of engaging his audience,introducing a brilliant main character,and making the audience experience the reality of mental illness.This could have been an unbelievable story to which very people could relate; however,the directorial mastery Howard exhibits throughout allows the audience to accompany Nash on his journey and awareness of his illness.Anyone who has been close to the frailties of the human mind will appreciate how respectfully and honestly this film approaches the subject.Howard is able to portray all the complex reactions to mental illness while maintaining the humanity and dignity of the patient.Superbly directed,wonderfully acted by Crowe and cast,this film succeeds on every level.
Director Ron Howard has experience in playing with his audience's heartstrings.Remember in Apollo 13,when the fate of the astronauts was uncertain?(Ok,so if you remember your recent history,you knew.but still!) Or remember in Parenthood,when Steve Martin's kid was about to make the crucial catch?Ol Opie can still pluck those strings with the best of them.(And you know,he'll never stop being called Opie,even by those of us who never saw The Andy Griffith Show during its initial run.) And plucking heartstrings is not a bad thing at all,not when you can do it in such a sincere,noncloying way as the masterful Beautiful Mind presents to its viewers.
John Nash is a mathematics prodigy who has a decided knack at solving previously unsolvable problems.He's socially dysfunctional,rarely looking anyone in the eye,but pours all of his energy - and soul - into producing one original idea,an idea that will distinguish him from all of the other mathemathical minds at Princeton University.
But John,like most who have had movies made about them,had his ups and downs.He meets and falls for a beautiful student of his named Alicia (Jennifer Connelly),and they produce a baby.But John also suffers from tremendous delusions and is diagnosed with a form of schizophrenia.Schizophrenia's a tough disease,folks - it's still not fully understood,and Nash was diagnosed with it in the middle of last century.He spends time in a sanitarium,as doctors struggle to find a cure.
Russell Crowe is absolutely powerful as the confused and confusing Nash.Although the marquee says "Russell Crowe",you'll immediately forget this is the hunky guy from Gladiator.I mean after all,he's playing some nerdy scientist dude!But Crowe completely disappears in the role,and he's unforgettable.Actors kill for roles like this one,because it gives them a chance to show off their acting chops.For many actors,this is the kiss of death,because then they're exposed as poor thespians.But not for Crowe; if anything,this proves once and for all that he's a grand master of acting.I realize that sounds like overkill for him,but I think that when actors are labeled as a "hunk" - their skills as actors aren't seen as very substantial.Hey,looking darn good worked against Tom Selleck,and to a degree it has worked against Crowe as well.
And he ages well,too.The movie takes place over a fairly extended period of time,ending with Nash's acceptance of the Nobel Prize in 1994.The makeup on Nash is neither garish nor schmaltzy; he looks completely genuine.And that's the essence of Crowe's performance.It's sincere,never trying to win over the audience with a sly wink here or a toss of the hair there.Crowe shows remarkable poise,elegance,and is utterly astounding in the role.
His supporting cast is more than able.Jennifer Connelly is better than I thought she would be; in most roles,she's the eye candy.But this role had meat to it,and she held her own.It wasn't an easy role to play,and she pulled it off.And her scenes with Crowe do have that movie magic that each of us looks for when we go to movies,that one moment,that compatible chemistry that leaves audiences mesmerized.
And yes,this does have some very,very touching moments.The final scene,while predictable (even if you don't know the outcome in real life),will bring more than one tear to the eye.Yes,I'll admit it,it got me right here.But it's okay; I did that old 'guy-crying-in-movie-theater' trick.If you feel the brime falling from the lid,you make a motion toward your cheek and then you scratch vigorously; people might think you have a skin infection and move away slowly,but at least they won't think you're a girly man.
At any rate,it's certainly one of the best movies of the year.Everything's in place:the direction,the photography,and especially the acting.
点拨:美丽心灵 A Beautiful Mind 创作背景 约翰·纳什(JOHN F.NASH)美国人 (1928- ),由于他与另外两位数学家在非合作博弈的均衡分析理论方面做出了开创性的贡献,对博弈论和经济学产生了重大影响,而获得1994年诺贝尔经济奖。 影片《美丽心灵》是一...
题2:美丽心灵电影 情节梗概100字
点拨:《美丽心灵》是一部关于一个真实天才的极富人性的剧情片。故事的原型是数学家小约翰-福布斯-纳什(Jr.John Forbes Nash)。英俊而又十分古怪的纳什早年就做出了惊人的数学发现,开始享有国际声誉。但纳什出众的直觉受到了精神分裂症的困扰,使他向...
点拨:《美丽心灵》这是一部讲述了一位数学家约翰·福布斯·纳什,患有精神分裂症,然而却在博弈论和微分几何学领域潜心研究,最终获得诺贝尔经济学奖的故事。 看完这部影片,最让我感动的莫过于是纳什本身患有精神分裂症,常常会看到三个在现实中并不存...
点拨:一个与自我生活的故事 《美丽心灵》是一部关于一个真实天才的极富人性的剧情片。故事的原型是数学家小约翰-福布斯-纳什(Jr.John Forbes Nash)。英俊而又十分古怪的纳什早年就作出了惊人的数学发现,开始享有国际声誉。但纳什出众的直觉受到了精...
点拨:是真的哦, 约翰·纳什(JOHN F.NASH)美国人 (1928- ),由于他与另外两位数学家在非合作博弈的均衡分析理论方面做出了开创性的贡献,对博弈论和经济学产生了重大影响,而获得1994年诺贝尔经济奖。 影片《美丽心灵》是一部以纳什的生平经历为基础...