发布日期:2019-01-30 10:52:02编辑:音乐人
Ingredients (serves 4)
400g dried spaghetti
50g pkt pine nuts
250g pkt short cut rindless bacon, cut into strips
2 tsp Galiko crushed garlic
300g container light sour cream
1/2 cup chopped fresh continental parsley
Cook the spaghetti in a large saucepan of boiling water according to packet instructions or until al dente. Drain and return to the pan.
Meanwhile, heat a non-stick frying pan over medium heat. Add the pine nuts and cook, tossing for 5 minutes or until toasted. Transfer to a bowl and set aside. Add the bacon and garlic to the frying pan and cook for 4-5 minutes or until crisp. Pour in the sour cream and stir to combine. Cook for a further 3 minutes or until reduced slightly.
Toss the bacon mixture and parsley through the pasta. Divide among serving bowls and sprinkle with pine nuts. Serve immediately.
Preparation Time
10 minutes
Cooking Time
15 minutes
Ingredients (serves 4)
6 short-cut bacon rashers, excess fat trimmed
375g dried spaghetti
2 tsp olive oil
400g lean beef mince
1 x 575g jar bolognese pasta sauce
1/3 cup loosely packed shredded fresh basil leaves
Shaved parmesan, to serve
Heat a frying pan over medium-high heat. Add half the bacon and cook for 2 mins each side or until crisp. Transfer to a plate lined with a paper towel. Repeat with remaining bacon. Coarsely chop and set aside.
Cook spaghetti following packet directions, until al dente. Drain well.
Meanwhile, heat oil in the frying pan over high heat. Add mince and cook, uncovered, stirring with a wooden spoon, for 3-4 mins or until the mince changes colour. Pour in pasta sauce and simmer over medium heat, stirring occasionally, for 5 mins. Remove from heat.
Stir in the basil and half the bacon. Divide pasta among bowls and spoon over sauce. Top with remaining bacon and parmesan.
You can substitute prosciutto for bacon if desired. You will need 100g prosciutto, excess fat trimmed.
Ingredients (serves 6)
2 tbs olive oil, plus extra to toss
1 onion, finely chopped
3 garlic cloves, crushed
1 cup (250ml) dry white wine
3 tbs tomato paste
2 x 410g cans crushed tomatoes
500g spaghetti
500g marinara mix*
300g black mussels, washed, de-bearded
2 tbs chopped flat-leaf parsley
Heat oil in a large saucepan over medium heat, add onion and cook for 3-4 minutes or until softened.
Add garlic and wine, and simmer 2 minutes. Add paste and crushed tomatoes, and simmer 15-20 minutes further, stirring occasionally until slightly thickened. Season well.
Cook the pasta in boiling, salted water until al dente. Drain and toss in a little olive oil.
Add marinara mix and mussels to tomato sauce, cover with lid and cook 3-4 minutes over medium-high heat, discarding any mussels that do not open.
Stir in parsley, then toss the sauce through the pasta and serve.
* A mix of fresh seafood, from fish-mongers and good supermarkets.
Ingredients (serves 4)
400g spaghetti
1 tbs olive oil
200g sliced flat pancetta (see note), cut into 1cm-wide strips
2 garlic cloves, finely chopped
3 eggs, plus 1 extra yolk
100ml thickened cream
2/3 cup (50g) freshly grated parmesan, plus extra to serve
2 tbs chopped flat-leaf parsley leaves
Cook pasta in a large pan of boiling salted water according to the packet instructions. Meanwhile, heat oil in a frypan over medium heat. Cook pancetta, stirring, for 2-3 minutes until beginning to crisp. Add garlic for 30 seconds, then set pan aside.
Place eggs, yolk, cream and parmesan in a bowl. Season, then mix gently with a fork. Drain pasta, then return to pan. Quickly add egg and pancetta mixtures and parsley. Toss to combine - the heat from the pasta will cook the egg slightly and form a creamy sauce. Serve immediately with extra parmesan.
From selected delis and butchers.
Ingredients (serves 4)
1 tablespoon olive oil
1 large brown onion, chopped
2 garlic cloves, crushed
2 medium zucchini, chopped
200g yellow squash, chopped
1 medium eggplant, chopped
3/4 cup red lentils, rinsed, drained
2 large tomatoes, chopped
700g bottle Italian tomato pasta sauce
300g broccoli, cut into small florets
1/4 cup chopped fresh flat-leaf parsley leaves
375g dried spaghetti pasta
shaved parmesan cheese, to serve
Heat oil in a large, heavy-based saucepan over medium heat. Add onion and garlic. Cook for 5 minutes or until onion is just soft.
Add zucchini, squash and eggplant. Cook, stirring, for 5 minutes. Add lentils, tomato, pasta sauce and 1/2 cup cold water. Bring to the boil. Reduce heat to medium-low. Cook, covered, for 20 minutes. Add broccoli. Cook, uncovered, for 10 minutes or until lentils are tender.
Meanwhile, cook pasta in a saucepan of boiling, salted water, following packet directions, until tender. Drain.
Divide pasta between bowls. Top with vegetable sauce. Serve with parmesan cheese.
= = 你是要知道 “意大利面的做法”的英文
还是要知道 意大利面的“做法的英文”?
例1: 【怎么吃意大利面英文】[英语练习题]
句子可以翻译为:How to eat pasta/ spaghetti?
例2: 【怎么做意大利面.用英文写.】
[ Raw material ] thin noodles 480g,sausage 65g,eggplant 80g,tomato 65g,persimmon pepper 30g,cowpea 3 0g,onion 65g,salad oil right amount,garlic 65g,the earthen mound compares thousand islands sauces 80g [ manufacture process ] 1.The noodles cooked tomatoes into pieces,good-cheuk 9:20 into 3cm long.2. The eggplant,the persimmon pepper,cuts Large expanse of,onion cuts the filament,the garlic cuts to pieces,the sausage slivers the slanting block.3. In the pot puts the oil heats up,the raw material which does well has poured into in the pot the 2nd step fries.4. Mixes it with the earthen mound compares thousand islands sauces modulates.
例3: 意大利面英文介绍不要做法,只要“里面有什么东西”,“这个面在意大利有什么地位”.
History of Pasta
Nothing says Italy like its food,and nothing says Italian food like pasta.Wherever Italians have immigrated they have brought their pasta and so today it is basically an international staple.Unlike other ubiquitous Italian foods like Pizza and tomato sauce,which have a fairly recent history pasta may indeed have a much older pedigree going back hundreds if not thousands of years.To begin to unravel the long an often complex world of pasta we have to look at its origins and some of the myths surrounding this now worldwide food.
Many schoolchildren were taught that the Venetian merchant Marco Polo brought back pasta from his journeys in China.Another version states that Polo discovery was actually a rediscovery of a foodstuff that was once popular in Italy in Etruscan and Roman times.Well Marco Polo might have done amazing things on his journey but bringing pasta to Italy was not one of them,it was already there in Polo's time.There is some evidence of an Etrusco-Roman noodle made from the same durum wheat as modern pasta called "lagane" (origin of the modern word for lasagna).However this food,first mentioned in the 1st century AD was not boiled like pasta,it was cooked in an oven.Therefore ancient lagane had some similarities,but cannot be considered pasta.The next culinary leap in the history of pasta would take place a few centuries later.
Pasta Today
It is estimated that Italians eat over sixty pounds of pasta per person,per year easily beating Americans,who eat about twenty pounds per person.This love of pasta in Italy far outstrips the large durum wheat production of the country; therefore Italy must import most of the wheat it uses for pasta.Today pasta is everywhere and can be found in dried (pasta secca) and fresh (pasta fresca) varieties depending on what the recipes call for.The main problem with pasta today is the use of mass production to fill a huge worldwide demand.And while pasta is made everywhere the product from Italy keeps to time-tested production methods that create a superior pasta.
Dried Pasta
There are roughly 350 different shapes and varieties of dried pasta in Italy,even more counting regional differences.Shapes range from simple tubes to bow ties (farfalle,which actually means "butterfly"),to unique shapes like tennis rackets (racchette).Many,but not all of these types are usually available wherever pasta is made.By Italian law dried pasta must be made with 100% durum semolina flour and water,a practice that all but the worst quality pasta makers worldwide have since adhered to.However there are two factors in dried pasta from Italy that make it typically better than most other products:extrusion and drying methods.
Dried pasta,especially the more complex shapes (such as radiatore) are designed for grabbing and holding onto sauces.Dried tube pasta (ziti or penne) often has ridges or slight abrasions on the surface to hold onto the pasta sauce as well.These ridges and bumps are created during the extrusion process,when the pasta is forced from a copper mold and cut to desired length before drying.These molds,while expensive and prone to wear are favored for making the best dried pasta.However most producers worldwide use steel molds that produce pasta that is too smooth to hold onto sauce.Fortunately more pasta makers outside of Italy are starting to use the older style copper molds.
After the pasta is cut it must be dried using a process of specific temperature and time.This is another area where mass produced pasta falls short of good Italian pasta made the correct way.The mass produced pastas are dried at very high temperatures for a shorter time than quality pasta.Traditional pasta is allowed to dry slower,up to 50 hours at a much lower temperature.It is after the pasta is fully dried that it is packaged.The result is a product with a much better mouth-feel,quicker cooking time,and superior sauce holding noodles.
例4: 意大利面的英文简介英文的意大利面的又来或介绍都可以100字左右,不要太长[英语练习题]
[ Raw material ] thin noodles 480g,sausage 65g,eggplant 80g,tomato 65g,persimmon pepper 30g,cowpea 3 0g,onion 65g,salad oil right amount,garlic 65g,the earthen mound compares thousand islands sauces 80g [ manufacture process ] 1.The noodles cooked tomatoes into pieces,good-cheuk 9:20 into 3cm long.2. The eggplant,the persimmon pepper,cuts Large expanse of,onion cuts the filament,the garlic cuts to pieces,the sausage slivers the slanting block.3. In the pot puts the oil heats up,the raw material which does well has poured into in the pot the 2nd step fries.4. Mixes it with the earthen mound compares thousand islands sauces modulates.
例5: 怎么吃意大利面条要英文写怎么吃的过程将酱汁放在面上,用叉子稍微搅匀,再用叉子旋转适量面条,太多了不好放进嘴里,不雅观,适量就好,然后确定一下在送到嘴里之前不会再掉下来[英语练习题]
The sauce on the top,with a slightly mix,use a rotation amount of noodles,too much bad is put into the mouth,unsightly,moderation,and then check in to the mouth before won't fall down,is to ensure the fork winding noodles have a certain integrity,then you can eat the
点拨:意面做法 材料:牛肉馅500克,洋葱一颗切碎,胡萝卜2根切碎,西芹4根切碎,去皮,番茄5个打浆,橄榄油100克,盐,鸡精,桂树叶,黑胡椒碎适量,白葡萄酒半杯。 做法: 1. 在锅中加水烧开。(水中要加少许盐和食油)。开锅后将面条成辐射状放入锅...
点拨:主料:意大利面200克、圣女果30克、豌豆20克、火腿30克 辅料:生抽8克、蚝油15克、番茄酱15克、白糖2克、花生油20克 意大利面的做法: ①首先,番茄切片; ②豌豆焯水后捞出;火腿切片。 ③然后,生抽、蚝油、番茄酱调成酱汁备用; ④意粉放滚水里煮...
点拨:材料初榨橄榄油(极品哦),进口食品店买来的意大利面,西红柿或番茄两个,洋葱,红辣椒,牛肉或火腿一些(选自己喜欢的),葱和蒜,调味料 做法 1、先煮面,自己尝熟了就可以,有的朋友说7-10分钟,这个不一定,我煮10分钟还是很硬...... 2、面...
点拨:主料 意大利面 100克 牛肉 100克 西红柿 1个 洋葱 半个 胡萝卜 适量 辅料 食盐 3勺 味精 1勺 蒜 2瓣 番茄酱 2勺 黄油 15克 黑胡椒 少许 步骤 1.牛肉切末。 2.大蒜切末。 3.洋葱切叮 4.胡萝卜切叮 5.西红柿切叮 6.黄油小火融化。 7.放入蒜末、洋...
点拨:主料 百味来传统意面 200g 洋葱 120g 西红柿 120g 青椒 120g 猪肉末 200g 辅料 油 适量 盐 适量 酱油 适量 胡椒粉 适量 大蒜 半个蒜头 小葱 适量 西红柿酱 4小汤勺 步骤 1.百味来传统意大利面 2.备好主材料意大利面。注:意大利面有多种不同形状...