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发布日期:2019-01-21 18:21:44编辑:音乐人






例1: 有谁知道<<清明上河图>>画面相关内容的英文版介绍[英语练习题]


ALONG THE RIVER DURING CHING MING FESTIVAL known in Chinese as 《清明上河图》 was the work of Song Dynasty artist,Zhang Zeduan.The painting captures the daily life of people from the Song period at thecapital,Pien Jing (today's Kaifeng).The theme celebrates Ching Ming Festival (Qingming Festival).The entire piece was painted in handscroll format and the content reveals the lifestyle of all stratum of the society (from rich to poor) as well as different economic activities in rural areas and the city.It offers glimpse of the custumes and architecture during the period.As an artistic creation,the piece has been well revered and over the centuries,court artists of subsequent dynasties have reproduced several versions.

Along the River During the Ch'ing-ming Festival

Court painters,Ch'ing Dynasty (1644-1911)

Handscroll,ink and colors on silk,35.6 x 1152.8 cm

The original upon which this work is based,by Chang Tse-tuan (active early 12th century),is a masterful unfolding of Sung dynasty life and customs at the capital of Pien (K'ai-feng) in a long handscroll format.This theme,popular in the Northern Sung (960-1126),has been copied often throughout the ages.There are seven versions alone in the National Palace Museum,and this one by court painters of the imperial painting academy under the Ch'ien-lung Emperor (reigned 1736-1795) is one of the most famous.Each version reflects not only the painting style but also life and appearances of the period it was made.

This version represents a collaboration by five court painters (Ch'en Mei,Sun Hu,Chih K'un,Tai Hung,and Ch'en Chih-tao) and was finished in 1736.It can be said to be a copy that combines the style and features of previous versions along with unique customs of the Ming and Ch'ing,such as the forms of entertainment popular at the time.The lively activities include a theatrical performance,monkey show,acrobatics,and a martial arts ring to lend a festive air to the scenery.

Brilliantly colored and characterized by sure,fine brushwork,this represents a fine example of Ch'ing court painting.Although this handscroll has lost much of the archaic feel of the Sung dynasty version,it is a valuable source of information for late Ming and early Ch'ing life and customs.The style also reflects the influence of Western painting techniques,popular at the court then.The buildings and streets,for example,were rendered with Western-style perspective,and even some Western-influenced architecture appears.The bridge and buildings are depicted in the ruled-line method ("chieh-hua"),and the figures are also exquisitely detailed.

例2: 概括《清明上河图》这篇课文的主要内容[历史练习题]





点拨:作者:张择端 字正道,东武(山东省诸城市)人。宋徽宗时为宫廷画家。少年时读书,到京城汴(今河南省开封市)游学,后学习绘画,擅长界画,尤喜画舟车、市桥、廓径,自成一家。作品除《清明上河图》外,还有传为他画的《西湖争标图》。宣和年间...

题2:介绍张择端的《 清明上河图 》


题3:清明上河图 简要推荐八十字





点拨:市郊晨景图 汴河上下图 繁华街市图 【拓展】 清明上河图,中国十大传世名画之一。为北宋风俗画,北宋画家张择端仅见的存世精品,属国宝级文物,现藏于北京故宫博物院。清明上河图宽25.2厘米,长528厘米,绢本设色。作品以长卷形式,采用散点透视...




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