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发布日期:2018-11-23 15:51:46编辑:音乐人






例1: 我的理想这篇文章应该怎样写;最好在三百字左右[英语练习题]


我的理想(My ideal)













Everyone has a light, its name is ideal; everyone will go a long way, its name is called life. There is a famous saying: people alive without ideal is terrible. Indeed, there is no ideal, which come out? I have a lot of ideal.

When I was very young, I set up a lofty ideal, for he that is, after growing up, I must be a teacher. On the one hand because my mother is a teacher, the teacher I was hard hard effort and deeply infected; one is because I think the teacher is especially huge. Can be a force for the motherland, but also for the motherland culture more deeply love the motherland, love the people, a culture of science, but also has the higher energy talent search.

Every day I stood three feet of the podium, imparting knowledge to "the little audience", all my students are small. During class, they all sit upright, my name called someone up and answer questions, he got up very polite to complete answer finished. After class, I will not rush in a hurry to get to the office, sitting leisurely drink in the chair, which would lay down their lives, the children to the teaching building play together happily, let the children relaxed in a tense after learning about. Every weekend, I will take my students to play in the park, or go to the barracks to visit, with unique method I let the children gradually develop good habits of diligence, love of labor.

People always live in reality and fantasy in the fantasy, is to become a reality. When I was frustrated, the ideal will give me courage, I always believe: great ideal only through struggle and sacrifice himself to succeed to achieve.

I believe, as long as there is this idea in my mind, and because of this desire to, will achieve.

Everyone has a dream, a lofty ideal. Including me. I struggle, only to realize my ideal, to complete my dream.

Since the childhood, I always wanted to be a designer. A live in comfortable surroundings, senior white-collar be light of heart from care.

When a white-collar, every day, living a life of ease and leisure. Let parents live in a good environment, also be to repay my parents. They brought me up, taught me, guide me. They are my lamp, shine on me, let me come to the other side of success. Mom and dad since childhood, from the day I and my sister was born, will work harder, to make money, to create a good environment for me, let me be a happy child. If I succeed, have a good future, presumably they also think so many years of teaching All sufferings have their reward..

I want to be a designer, not only to repay their parents. It is in order to make the motherland more rich, strong and prosperous, for the color of the motherland wings.

Perhaps, in 10 years later I, sitting in the office every day. Holding the pen, the stack of paper, I was scratching their heads, thinking about my plan, create inspiration. With the passage of time, a draft paper, with a land, without the slightest inspiration in mind. I think, that one of the paper, the excellent work, I tried hard for. After many years, people began to design the clothes I wear, wear my design jewelry. Let the society in the new era, for the social service, to create a more comfortable environment for our generation after generation of descendants. However, the motherland flowers grass, all of them become useful to the motherland, pillar of the state.

In the future, in order to accomplish my dream, realize my ideal. I'm in my studies to ensure good at the same time, the spare time to learn painting, go to the math Ben Fa to study hard, get good results in all the subjects. In order to let me even more brilliant future, I had to do.

I will fight, fight for him.





点拨:2015男孩名叫紫豪 好 紫:紫字主要指由蓝、红两色混合而成的颜色、即紫色,后也指与紫色相关的事情。如在古代,通常把达官显贵或憎人称为紫衣,仙女称为紫妃,皇太后的住处称为紫房。(此字在人名库中共出现约:55,370次) 《说文解字》释云:帛...


点拨:根据宝宝出生时间,排出八字,确定喜用五行用字,根据姓氏搭配吉利组合,再确定名字。符合宝宝命理的名字才是好名字。 起名步骤: 1、分析生辰八字命主五行、格局,找出用神喜忌。 2、选出命局所喜用所需要的五行汉字。 3、根据姓氏、时代特征、...


点拨:简介:北京中紫豪国际贸易有限公司成立于2009年12月08日,主要经营范围为销售建材、五金交电、电子产品、化工产品(不含危险化学品)、机械设备、通讯器材、服装、文具用品、体育用品、日用品等。 法定代表人:金向阳 成立时间:2009-12-08 注册...






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