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Winter Time Can Be Dangerous for Elders, But it Doesn''t Ha

发布日期:2021-03-17 19:55:28编辑:音乐人

  NATICK, Mass., Dec. 19 /PRNewswire/ -- The snow is falling, the numbers on the thermometer are getting smaller and smaller, and the sidewalks are frozen.

For the young and hearty, these passages into winter are minor inconveniences. But for adult children of elderly parents, they add significant burdens, especially if loved ones are out-of-state. A daughter might think, "Does Mom have enough milk in the fridge to last through the Nor''easter? Will Dad slip and fall walking outside to get the mail?"

"As families gather for the holidays, we experience a significant increase in inquiries and requests for consultations," said Lynn Falwell, co-owner of It''s Your Move Inc., a Move Management company based in Natick, MA. "For the elderly, winter can be very dangerous, and adult children worry about their parents living alone without neighbors to check on them."

"This is also the time of year when seniors start to question the practicality of heating and maintaining a home in New England, especially if they already have a second home in a warmer climate. And if they''ve been thinking about downsizing to a condo or retirement community, the rigors of another winter often trigger that final decision," added It''s Your Move co-owner Janice Armour.

But orchestrating the move from a lifetime home is stressful at the very least. And with busy schedules or Mom and Dad far away, how can adults help their parents or other family members with this process? That''s where It''s Your Move comes in.

It''s Your Move is a unique Move Management company that specializes not just in planning, orchestrating and executing a move -- but with handling every twist, turn and accompanying emotion.

It''s Your Move helps clients get their homes in market-ready condition. They have established relationships with movers, cleaning services, appraisers, auction houses, lawyers, brokers, and charities. They can sort, organize, and perform all the packing; oversee the sale and consignment of furniture too large for a new space; and suggest the perfect charitable organization for a particular piece. They can also schedule all trash removal services as well as shipping furniture and personal items to distant friends and family. When moving time comes, it''s their goal to ease the stress and address the individual concerns of every client. The staff will work with them until every last box is unpacked, pictures are hung, and clients are feeling at home.

It''s Your Move also helps individuals manage the disposition of family members'' estates.

"The company''s service is very, very personalized," said Elizabeth Milner of New York, who relied on It''s Your Move to clear out her sister Deborah''s Cambridge, Mass. condominium. "They got to know the kind of person my sister had been, and the decisions they made about her possessions help keep Deborah''s spirit alive."

Journalists who would like to talk with Lynn Falwell and Janice Armour, It''s Your Move, should contact Dawn Ringel, Warner Communications, at 781-449-8456 or dawn@warnerpr.com. Individuals interested in It''s Your Move''s services are invited to call 508-651-8921 or see It''s Your Move Inc. is a member of the National Association of Senior Move Managers.





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