Is this the world’s most dangerous job? 丨冰雪下的悬崖清洁(2)
发布日期:2021-03-17 19:08:29编辑:音乐人
1月15日,在湖南张家界武陵源黄石寨景区, 粟松云冒着冰雪寒冬在悬崖绝壁上拾捡上垃圾,“惊险”的工作让人不觉为他捏了一把冷汗。 A Chinese worker abseils to clean the litter on the cliff of the Huangshizhai scenic spot of Wulingyuan in Zhangjiajie city, central China’s Hunan province, 15 January 2019. In Zhangjiajie, a famous scenic area in central China’s Hunan province, cleaners work like \"spider-men\", belaying themselves down on ropes and risking their lives to pick up litter on 1,400-meter-high cliffs that visitors threw down. 现年34岁粟松云是当地村民,2005年起开始跟随父亲学习攀岩采摘绝技,凭借一根绳索,在悬崖峭壁上行走自如,如履平地。10多年来,他和父亲一起在景区为游人表演省级非物质文化遗产项目攀岩采摘绝技。同时,他也利用自身攀岩技能为景区承担悬崖上拾捡垃圾的工作,也会时常义务帮游客拾捡掉落在山崖上的手机、背包等物品。 At the age of 34, Su Songyun is a local villager. Since 2005, he has been following his father’s learning of rock climbing and picking skills. With a rope, he walks freely on the cliffs. For more than 10 years, he and his father have performed rock climbing and picking stunts for tourists in the scenic area. At the same time, he also uses his own climbing skills to undertake the work of collecting garbage on the cliff for the scenic spot, and he is also often obliged to help the tourists pick up the mobile phones, backpacks and other items that fall on the cliff. 系着一根安全绳,吊在悬崖峭壁上,拾捡着游客丢弃的塑料袋、矿泉水瓶等垃圾,他的一举一动让不少游客既惊叹,又好奇。粟松云说:\\\"有的游客将使用过塑料袋、水瓶等直接扔到悬崖下,给美的风景增添了瑕疵,我想用的实际行动呼吁大家在旅游时能自觉爱护环境。” Attached to a safety rope, hanging on a cliff, picking up plastic bags, mineral water bottles and other garbage discarded by tourists, his actions made many tourists both amazed and curious. Su Songyun said: \"Some tourists will use plastic bags, water bottles and so on directly discard under the cliff. I want to call on everyone to consciously care for the environment. \" (通讯员 吴勇兵 摄影报道) Photo by Wu yongbing Translated by yang 1月15日,在张家界武陵源黄石寨景区,粟松云在悬崖上捡垃圾。(无人机拍摄) On January 15th, in the Huangshizhai scenic spot of Wulingyuan, Zhangjiajie, Su Songyun took garbage on the cliff.
1月15日,在张家界武陵源黄石寨景区,粟松云在攀岩中。On January 15th, Su Songyun was climbing.Photo by Wu yongbing Translated by yang
1月15日,在张家界武陵源黄石寨景区,粟松云在做攀岩捡垃圾的准备。On January 15th, in the Huangshizhai Scenic Area of Wulingyuan, Zhangjiajie, Su Songyun was preparing the ropes for climbing.Photo by Wu yongbing Translated by yang
图为1月15日,在张家界武陵源黄石寨景区,粟松云在岩壁的树枝上捡垃圾。Su Songyun took garbage on the cliff. Photo by Wu yongbing Translated by yang
1月15日,在张家界武陵源黄石寨景区,粟松云顺着绳索滑降到岩壁上。On January 15th, in the Huangshizhai scenic spot of Wulingyuan, Zhangjiajie, Su Songyun slid down the rope to the rock wall. Photo by Wu yongbing Translated by yang
1月15日,在张家界武陵源黄石寨景区,粟松云将安全绳索绑在防护栏。On January 15th, Su Songyun tied the safety rope to the fence. Photo by Wu yongbing Translated by yang
1月15日,在张家界武陵源黄石寨景区,粟松云在准备攀岩捡垃圾用的绳索。On January 15th, Su Songyun was preparing to climb the ropes for rubbish. Photo by Wu yongbing Translated by yang
1月15日,在张家界武陵源黄石寨景区,粟松云在做攀岩捡垃圾的准备。On January 15th, in the Huangshizhai Scenic Area of Wulingyuan, Zhangjiajie, Su Songyun was preparing to climb the ropes for rubbish.Photo by Wu yongbing Translated by yang
1月15日,在张家界武陵源黄石寨景区,粟松云在做攀岩捡垃圾的准备。On January 15th, in the Huangshizhai Scenic Area of Wulingyuan, Zhangjiajie, Su Songyun was preparing to climb the ropes for rubbish.Photo by Wu yongbing Translated by yang
1月15日,在张家界武陵源黄石寨景区,粟松云将捡到的垃圾放入垃圾桶。On January 15th, Su Songyun put the rubbish into the trash can. Photo by Wu yongbing Translated by yang
1月15日,在张家界武陵源黄石寨景区,粟松云将捡到的垃圾放入随身携带的布袋中。On January 15th, Su Songyun put the rubbish in his bag. Photo by Wu yongbing Translated by yang
1月15日,在张家界武陵源黄石寨景区,粟松云(右)将安全绳索绑在防护栏。On January 15th, Su Songyun tied the safety rope to the fence. Photo by Wu yongbing Translated by yang