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Revett Minerals Reports on Mine Fatality

发布日期:2021-03-13 09:45:51编辑:音乐人

  SPOKANE VALLEY, WA, July 31 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ - Revett Minerals Inc., (TSX-RVM) ("Revett" or the "Company") regretfully announces that there was a fatality at its 67% owned Troy Mine; located near Libby, Montana. Early yesterday morning (July 30, 2007) an isolated rock fall occurred in an active mining area. The rock fall resulted in the death of a mechanic who was trapped in a vehicle. Two other miners who were also injured in the incident were treated for minor injuries and have been released from the Libby hospital. All other workers at the mine have been safely accounted for.

The recovery effort was lead by the Troy Mine safety and rescue team with assistance from Central Mine Rescue of the Silver Valley in Idaho. The recovery efforts were completed by approximately 7:00 p.m. last evening.

The affected area has been isolated and the incident is the being investigated by officials of MSHA (Mines Safety and Health Administration). Underground mining operations have been temporarily suspended pending the results of the investigation which is anticipated to take several days. Meanwhile, maintenance activities have been cleared for the service and conveyor adits.

Mr. William Orchow, President and CEO of Revett Minerals, stated "We and all the employees of the Troy Mine are devastated by this accident and our condolences and sympathies go out to the affected families and their friends."

William Orchow

President & CEO





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