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Creative Figures “60”: The Voice of Deep Love(6)

发布日期:2021-03-12 07:53:42编辑:音乐人

Red dates formed pattern “60 Years” for celebrating the 60th anniversary of Xinjiang

Creative patterns of "Heart" and "60 Years", formed in the yard of Tarim Red Dates Cooperative by farmers from the county of Ruoqiang, Northwest China’s Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, expressing their gratitude to and blessing for the arrival of the 60th anniversary of Xinjiang.

The Picture of Grains made for celebrating the 60th anniversary of Xinjiang

The elderly couple of Yao Bingjiang and his wife Wang Fengying couple a unique “Picture of Grains”, which consists of corns, tomatoes, spices, wheat, wax gourd, and some others, promising their blessing of prosperity and happy life as well as gratitude to the hometown.




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