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People love smart toilet in Changsha

发布日期:2021-03-06 22:39:33编辑:音乐人

  Since January 2018, more than 20,000 citizens and tourists have experienced the first smart public toilet located at Helong Plaza for better public services, Changsha City, Hunan Province. It offers free toilet paper for each user by facial recognition.



  People are taking free toilet paper.


  "I have to change at least four times a day for new rolls of toilet paper. Nearly a thousand guests come here," said Liu Zhengde the janitor of the public toilet.



 It is easy to connect to the Wifi "HL-toliet" in the toilet. The picture shows two boxes; one is for recharging the battery of phones, the other is for providing free toilet paper by facial recognition.



  The screen shows the temperature, humidity, and vacant toilet seats in the toilet.



The special toilet room is provided for nursing mums, children or handicapped people. 



  The smart toilet is clean, comfortable and have no smell.


  Green plants are placed inside the public toilet. With intelligent flushing system, central air conditioning and the deodorization system, there is no odor inside and it is fresh all day long.  





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