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英语四级口语历年真题:Why do you go to college?

发布日期:2021-03-03 08:50:02编辑:音乐人

  Um, well, I suppose going to college is one of the most important steps in our whole life.

  There are many benefits we can obtain from our college education. From the beginning, we can learn endless knowledge from learned professors in colleges. Besides those knowledgable teachers, there are also libraries where we can find what we want to read and learn. Above all, we can learn and improve ourselves most efficiently in colleges since there are great achievements of our predecessors accumulated in colleges, from which we don’t need to experience the difficult research process again, just learn from our predecessors.

  Personally, it’s my target to go to an excellent university since this experience not only helps me be an educated person, but also the most convenient way that allows me to find a favored job.

  Some may say we can also be educated and find a good job without going to universities. But please remember that learning in colleges is the most efficient way for us to achieve our goals.

  In short, the college is like an ocean of knowledge from which we can absorb useful nutrient freely.









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