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发布日期:2020-12-18 18:45:21编辑:音乐人

In what way is China doing better than the West?



Farzin S, Author, Teacher, Business man and an Entrepreneur

I’ve lived and worked in both China and South Korea for few years and both countries are doing exquisitely well when it comes to infrastructure, transport and entertainment.


I have honestly come to believe, East Asian countries are the future building 22nd century infrastructure and implementing digital technologies to everyday life.


This was my smart apartment in China in a tier 2 city with everything being connected to the Internet. Both kitchen and bathroom were connected and I was able to manage my apartment energy consumption through the app on my phone. This apartment was 50 square meters modest living space yet being highly functional. Apartments came furnished with television and all the other appliances - I did not buy anything both in China and Korea.


I was also able to measure the quality air and water through a smart device attached to the wall checking it on my phone.


Both apartments were also accessible to the gym, swimming pool, grocery store, and 15 minutes bus journey to the downtown. Well, if you think that’s not the future then I’ve no idea how to convince you anymore. To have a smart apartment like this anywhere in Europe in any city would be like a dream for many 20 something year olds but in China and South Korea is just the norm.


Can you guess how much I paid for such apartment? 230 Dollars every month including water bills, management fee and the Internet. Now that’s bargain. Due to housing crisis, many young people are led to either share their accommodation with others or move back with their parents in Europe. I just wish I had the same option at such a low cost in Ireland & UK but unfortunately that’s not really the case.


The transport and the hospitals are also highly efficient too. It took me 20 minutes to see a doctor and 30 minutes to see a gastroenterologist at the hospital. It was fast, quick and effective. The medicine and pharmaceuticals are definitely higher quality in Europe versus Asia but the efficiency was just priceless. All of that for just 10 Dollars and in Korea, I was covered by the national health insurance.


I lived in smart apartments both in China and South Korea, they were not for the elite, it was pretty much the norm for ordinary people.


Welcome to life in 2050 with basic necessities being so accessible and available at such a low affordable cost without breaking the bank.


It’s something I truly love and miss about East Asia, China and South Korea to be specific. I wish I could bring that back to Europe.


Sam Karthik, Living in China

I have been living and working in China (Suzhou, Jiangsu province) for over two years now. Been to 51 cities, big and small. Seen countrysides and mega cities.


From a foreigners perspective, let me give you a quick helicopter view about how China is doing lot better than the West:


1.China is safe, day or night. Nonviolence is a culture in China.




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