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发布日期:2020-12-18 16:41:17编辑:音乐人

How is China able to provide enough food to feed its population of over 1 billion people? Do they import food or are they self-sustainable?

中国是怎么生产足够的粮食养活超过10亿人口的? 是依靠粮食进口还是自给自足?


Roy Chambers

While China’s land is 20 to 30% arable, their ability with farming means that they are a net exporting of produce. Where China was importing was because many regional areas grew local varieties of crops. So in the north the corn could be yellow, white, purple or speckled. In the far south I have had sweet corn that was so sweet it was like eating candy. They were importing because industrial farming and food processing is all about consistent quality.

Another note is China is one of the few places in the world that successfully does fish farming. Of course they have been doing this for 2000 years. Their farming culture is often very efficient in terms of land use, though not in terms of labour use.

In recent years the growing suburbs around the cities have put pressure on land use and they are losing a lot of farm land. In addition the growing wealth means that they eat more meat, which is far less efficient.

China has taken steps to secures its own food supply by buying land around the world, in particular in Africa. But China doesn’t need to import food as such, it just needs to ensure food supply for the future and in times of disasters like flood and drought.





Vyndar Lothar, lived in China (2008-2011)

China’s 1.4 billion people are building up an appetite that is changing the way the world grows and sells food. The Chinese diet is becoming more like that of the average American, forcing companies to scour the planet for everything from bacon to bananas.

But China’s efforts to buy or lease agricultural land in developing nations show that building farms and ranches abroad won’t be enough. Ballooning populations in Asia, Africa and South America will add another 2 billion people within a generation and they too will need more food.

That leaves China with a stark ultimatum: If it is to have enough affordable food for its population in the second half of this century, it will need to make sure the world grows food for 9 billion people.

Its answer is technology.





Carolyn Patton, former Retired teacher , economics World History US Hist at Detroit Public Schools (1984-2009)

They have been buying agricultural products from us , exclusively until the Donald started the tariff game now the are courting the world for agricultural products . Soy beans are a good example , the Chinese are now looking for markets in South America , Sub Sahara Africa and both Eastern and Western Europe. The farmers in the United States are going to be hurt by this move because they know their price will be under cut by the South American , and the African countries and that market will be lost and gone forever. China does not have enough land to feed all of its population so now since they are no longer destitute they can afford to buy food on cheaper markets . Guess the US farmers will have to start growing weed. The President doesn't understand that when America was great back in the day was because everybody else was broke and hungry. Now the only broke and hungry people on this planet are those caught in a war, such as in Yemen. So when you take your ball and go home nobody gets upset ,the game keeps on going because they all have a ball to play with. The United States is going to have to start treating nonwhite people as human beings and not something other than . Because they are the ones with the wealth not the Europeans.




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