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“你知道周杰伦的枫 最后一句歌词是什么吗?”

发布日期:2020-12-18 12:37:41编辑:音乐人

  “你知道周杰伦的枫 最后一句歌词是什么吗?”


  slowly falling maple leaves like missing me to light a candle to warm autumn at the end of the year


  缺的不是歌词最后一句 缺的是能陪在在身边的人儿

  What is missing is not the lyrics, but the people who can be with you



  pet you is my required course, love you is my professional course, you are my life on endless classes



  Sometimes I can't express my meaning, but I'm really happy to have you in my life


  我以前也觉得 慢慢来 是一种诚意,后来才发现只是他不喜欢我吊着我的理由

  I used to think it was a kind of sincerity to take it slowly, but later I found out that it was just the reason why he didn't like me hanging on me


  一肚子的委屈就是说不出来 ,说出来的每一件都是微不足道的小事

  A bellyful of grievances is unable to say, said each is a trivial matter






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