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Petaquilla Minerals Ltd. Retains Manager for Molejon Gold Mi

发布日期:2020-12-18 10:41:28编辑:音乐人

  VANCOUVER, Canada, March 19 /PRNewswire/ -- Petaquilla Minerals Ltd. ("Petaquilla" or the "Company") today announced the appointment of Mr. Gaston A. Araya to the position of Construction and Production Manager of the Molejon gold mine.

Mr. Araya brings over 38 years of mining experience in both underground and surface mining. He was previously Vice President Operations for Glencairn Gold Corporation (now Central Sun Mining Inc.), for which he oversaw operations and projects at various sites in Central America, and General Manager and Chief Operating Officer for Mayan Gold Inc. with operations in Honduras.

Petaquilla is very pleased Mr. Araya with his background in environmental management from pre-opening to mine closure and with senior management experience in Operations and Maintenance as well as in community, government and union relations has joined the Company as it advances towards production at Molejon.

With the addition of Gaston Araya to Petaquilla''s team, the Company looks forward to a smooth transition from the construction phase of the Molejon Gold plant to production this year.

About Petaquilla Minerals Ltd. - Petaquilla Minerals Ltd. is an emerging gold producer scheduled to bring its 100%-owned Molejon Gold Project into production in 2008. Anticipated throughput for the project during the first year of production will be 2200 tonnes per day. The plant will utilize three ball mills and a carbon-in-pulp processing facility.

On behalf of the Board of Directors of PETAQUILLA MINERALS LTD. Richard Fifer President and Chief Executive Officer For further information please contact: Petaquilla Minerals Ltd., Phone: +1-(604)-694-0021 Fax: +1-(604)-694-0063, Toll-free: 1-877-694-0021 Renmark Financial Communications Inc. Jason Roy : jroy@renmarkfinancial.com Josh Rivard : jrivard@renmarkfinancial.com Media - Vanessa Napoli : vnapoli@renmarkfinancial.com Tel. : +1-(514)-939-3989 Fax : +1-(514)-939-3717 No stock exchange has approved or disapproved the information contained herein.

Source: Petaquilla Minerals Ltd




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