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Breakaway Technologies Celebrates 10 Years in Business

发布日期:2020-12-18 05:02:58编辑:音乐人

  YARDLEY, Pa., April 15 /PRNewswire/ -- Breakaway Technologies, Inc. (BTI), a provider of corporate performance management solutions, today announced that 2008 marks its 10th anniversary. BTI has grown its services revenue year- over-year for the past 10 years.

"Breakaway was founded to provide customers with the best solutions to meet their business problems, whether they needed a technology or a business process solution," said Thomas Rowland, president of BTI. "As we have grown and the market has evolved, we have refined and improved our services and our delivery. Breakaway''s continued growth has enabled us to offer our customers more services and solutions while still providing the same dedication to customer and employee satisfaction."

In 1998, BTI was founded by Mr. Rowland and focused on delivering one technology solution to a specific industry. Since then BTI has expanded across multiple industries, added training, software selection support, business process re-engineering, a patented Rapid Deployment process, a patented Data Load process and many other services to meet the needs of its customers in multiple industries. It has also expanded its footprint across the country with locations in Chicago, Ill., Dallas, Texas and Irvine, Calif., in addition to its headquarters in Yardley, Pa.

"Over time, we discovered that our processes are repeatable in other industries and we began diversifying our customer profile across a number of different sectors," explained Rowland. "Our partnerships with SAP, Cognos and Microsoft have also allowed us to offer our customers various technologies based on their specific needs. We have been able to adapt to market conditions and provide solutions to address issues such as Sarbanes-Oxley, the need to accelerate reporting within different industries and the current challenge of forecast process improvements. Our success can be attributed to our ability to attract and retain quality people that are industry experts in their given areas and have the business and technology knowledge to help address our clients'' challenges."

About Breakaway Technologies, Inc.

Breakaway Technologies develops advanced business intelligence solutions and analytical capabilities that help companies better manage their operations. The firm implements business performance management software that enables its clients to collect, access, report and model their enterprises more effectively. Breakaway works with companies ranging from those with a few locations to global players with hundreds of locations and disparate systems around the world. For more information about Breakaway Technologies, visit

Contact: Breakaway Technologies, Inc. Karen Higgins Marketing 215-369-7200 khiggins@breakaway-inc.com

Source: Breakaway Technologies, Inc.




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