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Astadia, Inc. Announces the Completion of Board of Director(2)

发布日期:2020-12-18 05:00:58编辑:音乐人

  ATLANTA, Jan. 28 /PRNewswire/ -- Astadia, Inc., a leading management consulting and on-demand technology solutions company, today announced the election of five members to its Board of Directors.

"I am very pleased with the Board we have assembled," said J. Ernest Riddle, Astadia CEO. "The combination of backgrounds and the tremendous experience at the executive and board level will be a key element that will guide our growth and leadership in the SaaS consulting marketplace."

The Board Members include: Tom Vadnais

Tom Vadnais was named ValueClick''s chief executive officer in May 2007. Mr. Vadnais joined ValueClick in October 2001 through the Company''s acquisition of Mediaplex, where he was president, chief executive officer and a member of the board of directors. Mr. Vadnais became a member of the ValueClick board of directors in October 2001 and also has held general manager roles for the Company''s Mediaplex technology and Commission Junction affiliate marketing businesses. In June 2006, Mr. Vadnais was promoted to the role of president of ValueClick''s U.S. operations.

Mr. Vadnais'' experience prior to ValueClick includes positions as: president, chief executive officer and a member of the board of directors of Data Processing Resources Corporation; president and chief executive officer of Tascor, Inc.; a member of Norrell''s board of directors; and a member of the board of directors of Traffic.com. In addition, Mr. Vadnais held various management roles such as vice president of operations and assistant to the chairman and CEO during his 23-year tenure at IBM.

Mr. Vadnais holds a bachelor''s degree from the University of California, Los Angeles, and a master''s degree in business administration from Golden Gate University. Mr. Vadnais is a graduate of The University of Virginia Darden School of Business Executive Program and the Advanced Management Program at Harvard Business School.

Mark Shirman

Mark Shirman, founder, President and CEO of GlassHouse Technologies, has over twenty years of entrepreneurial experience in the IT services arena. Mr. Shirman is responsible for building upon the GlassHouse leadership in the storage solutions space, managing the investment community, and setting the vision for the company''s solutions development. He also serves as a member of the Boston Public Library Technology Council and a director for Baby''s Breath, a non-profit organization focused connecting infants with loving homes and families.

Before starting GlassHouse Mr. Shirman was Executive Vice President of Corporate Development and CTO at Convergent Group. Prior to Convergent Group, he was responsible for the worldwide eBusiness and CRM lines of business for Cambridge Technology Partners. Mr. Shirman started his career with Arthur Andersen & Co. after receiving his BA in Economics from Brandeis University and his MBA from American University.

Chris Greendale

Chris Greendale is General Partner of Kodiak Ventures, Inc. where he brings more than 25 years of software and technology services experience in sales, marketing, investment, and executive management that includes co-founding Cambridge Technology Partners, which had one of the most successful IPOs of the 1990s. As a General Partner, he primarily focuses on investments in the software and services segments but does reach across all of Kodiak''s technology segments including communications and wireless, Internet and new media, and semiconductors and equipment. Mr. Greendale also is on the boards of directors of the firm''s portfolio companies including GlassHouse Technologies; HiWired; Kadient; uLocate; and Vettro.

Prior to joining Kodiak, Mr. Greendale was a seed investor in many successful technology companies. Most recently he served as Managing Director at Internet Capital Group and was a Venture Partner at GrandBanks Capital. In these positions he served as a board member for start-ups, including Surgency, and Context Integration, Inc. (acquired by eFORCE), and Clarify, a publicly traded company. He also served as Chairman of the Board for Breakaway Solutions, Inc., where he oversaw the company''s IPO.

Blake Wolff

Blake Wolff is COO and CFO of Astadia, Inc. where he is responsible for the financial operations and the emerging business practices. Mr. Wolff has over 20 years executive experience in scaling and directing companies in the high-tech service, customer support and electronic industries.

Prior to Astadia, Mr. Wolff co-founded MW Advisors in 2003, a successful management consulting and technology solutions firm based in Dallas, Texas. Previously, Mr. Wolff held positions as President and CEO of The Telvista Company, a multi-national call center outsourcer. He founded the company as CompUSA Call Center Services in 1997 and under his leadership, expanded the company from a small, one-site call center to six centers with 4,000 workstations in two countries. During his tenure, the company completed a spin-off from CompUSA creating Telvista where he also served on the Board of Directors.

Mr. Wolff holds a BBA in Finance from The University of Texas at Austin and a MBA from Emory University.

J. Ernest Riddle




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