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发布日期:2020-12-17 14:57:34编辑:音乐人

  Don't you tell me that it wasn't meant to be

  Call it quits, call it destiny

  Just because it won't come easily

  Doesn't mean we shouldn't try

  We had a good thing going lately

  Might not have always been a fairytale

  But you know and I know that they ain't real

  I'll take the truth over the story

  You might've tried my patience lately

  But I'm not about to let us fail

  I'll be the wind picking up your sail

  But won't you do something for me?

  Don't you tell me that it wasn't meant to be

  Call it quits, call it destiny

  Just because it won't come easily

  Doesn't mean we shouldn't try

  Coming and going, inside out, back to front

  All tangled and messy, that's how we've been and

  We'll always be, and that's alright with me

  Don't you tell me that it wasn't meant to be

  Call it quits, call it destiny

  Just because it won't come easily

  Doesn't mean we shouldn't try

  Try, try, just because it won't come easily

  Doesn't mean we shouldn't try

  Just because it won't come easily

  Doesn't mean we shouldn't try

  Try, try, just because it won't come easily

  Doesn't mean we shouldn't try




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